Reuters: Chinese Regime Faces Backlash Over COVID-19, Attempts at Global Dominance

According to Reuters, the communist leadership running China now knows that their cover is blown: Their intention to become the world’s hegemon by 2049 has become obvious worldwide and is meeting increasing resistance.

Reuters reported Monday that an analysis from the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) — a think tank tied closely to the communist Ministry of State Security — reveals that the red regime “faces a rising wave of hostility” not only over its intentional lying about the source and virulence of COVID-19, but about its increasingly obvious intent to insinuate itself into every nook, corner, and cranny of the world.

Reuters warned its readers that it has not seen an actual copy of the report, and that their report is based upon “people who had direct knowledge of its findings.” But the paper added that “the presentation of the report shows how seriously Beijing takes the threat of a building backlash that could threaten what China sees as its strategic investments overseas and its view of its security standing.”

The report from the CICIR warned the communist leadership that the pushback “could fuel resistance to China’s Belt and Road infrastructure investment projects, and that Washington could step up financial and military support for regional allies.”

The paper concluded that “Washington views China’s rise as an economic and national security threat and a challenge to Western democracies” and that the United States specifically “was aiming to undercut the ruling Communist Party by undermining public confidence” in it.

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The exposure of China’s perfidy in handling the virus has led to increasing examination of the communists’ intentions elsewhere.

National Review’s “comprehensive timeline” of China’s lies concerning COVID-19 is 12 pages long, and makes the point that the country’s communist leadership deliberately and intentionally lied to the world about the virus’ sources and ferocity.

This has led the world to consider the impact of China’s Huawei technology used to surveil the world, its intentional shipping of faulty medical products to “fight” the virus, its Belt and Road Initiative being used to tie its neighbors up with economic and then political chains, and its delight in operating nearly a virtual monopoly in providing the world with necessary pharmaceuticals and other vital products.

As a result, “countries are increasingly hardening their stance toward the regime, rethinking their manufacturing dependence on China and acceptance of Chinese tech firms that pose security risks,” according to Reuters.

President Trump has added fuel to that fire by suggesting that he might punish China for its transgressions through raising tariffs further and demanding reparations for the damage the communists have done to the world over its development and transmission of the COVID-19 virus. He has also promised to cut funding for the “China-centric” World Health Organization (WHO) that has been infiltrated by pro-China advocates and sympathizers.

What the report reveals is that the communists’ efforts to become the unchallenged world leader by 2049 — the 100th anniversary of its takeover of China — is now in full view. As Jonathan Ward, author of China’s Vision of Victory, wrote last year: “2049 … will be the time when China has the overwhelming share of global GDP, underwrites global security, and is able to create a world order according to its principles and national objectives.”

Top communist officials ruling China now know that their cover is blown and that many countries are finally waking up to the Chinese threat and are beginning to take appropriate action before it’s too late.

Image: Artem_Egorov/iStock/Getty Images Plus

An Ivy League graduate and former investment advisor, Bob is a regular contributor to The New American, writing primarily on economics and politics. He can be reached at