In China, Tyranny Remains 25 Years After Tiananmen Massacre

Exactly 25 years ago today, the ruthless Communist Party regime ruling over mainland China massacred thousands of innocent civilians in Beijing’s now-infamous Tiananmen Square. The protesters, like people around the world, just wanted freedom. The autocrats, however, whose bloody rise to power was facilitated by the U.S. foreign policy establishment, responded by deploying the military for a barbaric crackdown that went down in history as a dark and barbarous stain on all of humanity.

Even now, on the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, the paranoid dictatorship is on edge. It has deployed legions of heavily armed “security” personnel, undercover police, and “assault units” all across downtown Beijing. According to news reports, the regime has also been busy for days rounding up activists and potential critics ahead of the tragic anniversary. Communist censors, meanwhile, have been working overtime to block any and all chatter about the atrocity online.

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The 1989 protests that ended in a pool of innocent blood shed across Beijing represented the most serious challenge to China’s communist tyranny since the U.S. government helped Mao defeat the nationalists and seize control of that vast land. Led by university students upset by the death of a deposed Communist Party reformer, hundreds of thousands of Chinese converged on the square. Eventually, the numbers ballooned to an estimated million peaceful protesters.

The regime responded to the uprising with tanks and heavy weapons aimed at anyone who stood in the way. As some 300,000 “People’s Liberation Army” troops marched toward the square, furious citizens across Beijing tried to stop them. The innocent victims were slaughtered in the streets by the thousands — although even now, the regime does its best to keep the details of the ghoulish massacre under wraps. As tanks rolled in, one brave man stood in the way, setting up perhaps one of the most iconic images in human history. 

Today, despite a handful of economic reforms aimed mostly at boosting and preserving the mass-murdering dictatorship’s power, the Chinese people remain enslaved under one of the most repressive autocracies on the planet — a cabal of deranged gangsters whose party has the dubious distinction of murdering more innocent people than any other entity in history. Estimates suggest somewhere between 50 million and 80 million victims have died at the hands of Chinese communists, not including the hundreds of millions slaughtered in forced abortions as part of the regime’s barbaric “one-child policy.”  

Of course, the number of victims murdered on June 4, 1989, pales in comparison to the tens of millions exterminated by the mass-murdering regime over the preceding decades — especially under Mao, who slaughtered any potential opposition while starving much of the nation. Still, the cold-blooded massacres in and around Tiananmen Square by the self-styled “People’s Liberation Army” shocked the conscience of the world. Around the globe, with journalists covering the carnage, humanity watched in horror.

In China, despite the regime’s best efforts, the memories remain as well. “I don’t think Chinese people really forget…. They are just afraid to remember,” Wang Dan, a student leader in Beijing in 1989, told the Wall Street Journal. “The younger generation may know little about 1989, but they are interested in seeking information on the topic, and they have a natural instinct to find out things that their parents and government don’t want them to know.”

Human rights groups, meanwhile, highlighted the ongoing terror employed against China’s 1.3 billion people. “Regretfully, not much has changed in today’s China,” said Human Rights Without Frontiers on the 25th anniversary. “The Chinese authorities still restrict basic freedoms of expression and association. Political dissenters are still sent to prison. Religious groups are still limited in the activities they are permitted to undertake. Government-sponsored organ harvesting continues. Female infanticide is still practiced as a result of the country’s one-child policy. And the death penalty is widely administered.”

The organization also said it honored those who lost their lives 25 years ago in Tiananmen Square in the “struggle for freedom and human dignity.” Ever since that day, the square has been a symbol of the “brutal repression” of basic freedoms, the organization continued in an e-mail to supporters. “On that day, the country’s leadership lost its political legitimacy,” the group added. “Any regime that slaughters its own citizens in order to maintain power cannot hold for long the support of those whom it seeks to govern. That support remains all the more tenuous today.”

The White House, which came under heavy fire last year for inviting Communist Chinese troops onto U.S. soil for “exercises” and hosting a delegation led by a communist general who once threatened to nuke hundreds of American cities, feigned concern about the anniversary. “The United States will always speak out in support of the basic freedoms the protestors at Tiananmen Square sought,” the administration claimed in a statement released Wednesday, apparently oblivious to the irony.

The irony, of course, is that the U.S. government’s foreign policy establishment played a key role in bringing the mass-murdering communist regime to power. Among other supposed American “blunders” that enabled Mao’s takeover, for example, was President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s handing over of Manchuria to mass-murdering Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin at Yalta. When the Japanese were defeated — no thanks to Stalin, who “joined” the war days before Japan’s surrender and was being armed by U.S. taxpayers anyway — the vast territory and all of Japan’s military equipment within it was handed by the Soviets to the Chinese communists.

As if that was not enough, the U.S. government — primarily the State Department — imposed various outrageous conditions on Chinese nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek that likely caused the defeat of his once-powerful army. Chiang, for example, was coerced by the U.S. foreign policy establishment into cease fires — even as his forces made major progress against Mao and his band of Soviet-backed communist terrorists, whom globalists and their lackeys in the press attempted to paint as mere “agrarian reformers.” The U.S. government also sought to force the nationalists into a “coalition government” with the communists. Finally, American authorities imposed an arms embargo on anti-communist forces, all but ensuring a communist victory.     

It was more widely understood at the time. Even then-congressman John F. Kennedy acknowledged on the House floor the crucial role played by the U.S. foreign policy establishment in handing China to Mao and his blood-thirsty communists. “The responsibility for the failure of our foreign policy in the Far East rests squarely with the White House and the Department of State,” he said. “The continued insistence that aid would not be forthcoming, unless a coalition government with the Communists were formed, was a crippling blow to the national government.” 

Meanwhile, top U.S. globalist insiders have celebrated the mass-murdering autocracy, too — even after the murder of tens of millions. “Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose,” wrote banking boss David Rockefeller in the New York Times in 1973.

Rockefeller, a top leader in the Bilderberg meetings, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and other powerful globalist outfits, also claimed the communist enslavement of China was somehow a success. “The enormous social advances of China have benefited greatly from the singleness of ideology and purpose,” he explained in the Times piece. “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”

More recently, billionaire globalist and Big Government fanatic George Soros and top insider Henry Kissinger have been touting Communist China as a leader in what they both call the “New World Order.” Over the decades, the U.S. government, through the Export-Import Bank, also helped prop up the regime, and foreign aid, including for forced abortion, continues today. The critical role of Bill Clinton in sending the Communist Chinese regime much of America’s most sensitive military technology, meanwhile, even caused House Majority Leader Dick Armey to raise the specter of “treason.”

Top American military officials were outraged, too. “President Clinton promised to restrain those who ordered the Tiananmen Square massacre, but he has now allowed these men whose hands are stained with the blood of martyrs of freedom into the highest reaches of our military defenses, and made available to them significant portions of our advanced military technology,” noted former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Thomas Moorer in the wake of Clinton’s “Chinagate” scandal.   

As the world remembers the innocent Chinese massacred for the cause of freedom a quarter of a century ago, it should not lose sight of how the murderers came to power in the first place. It may sound cliché, but those who do not understand history are bound to repeat it.

Photo: AP Images

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is currently based in Europe. He can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.

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