Matt Schlapp: Awake, Not Woke

Matt Schlapp shared with The New American that he felt very optimistic about the upcoming midterm elections to the United States Congress. He said that Americans of all political affiliations are awakening to the fact that their country is being taken over by the radical Marxist forces. While he expected big gains for the Republicans, Mr. Schlapp warned that they must not be timid when they regain control, and will have to decisively implement a pro-American agenda.

The Republican Party, added Mr. Shlapp, has been transformed by former President Donald Trump to become more diverse due to President Trump implementing policies that were beneficial and appealing to all Americans.

Matt Schlapp is the chairman of the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC), the nation’s original grassroots conservative organization. During his seven-year tenure as chairman, CPAC has expanded its reach exponentially and launched critical initiatives in criminal justice reform, secure elections, and state legislative ratings for all 8,000 elected legislators in America.

CPAC hosts dozens of additional events, including CPAC conferences throughout America and annual international CPACs in Japan, Australia, South Korea, and Brazil, with dozens of other countries joining the CPAC movement.

To learn more about Matt Schlapp, click here.