Earlier this year, the vaccine working group of Democratic legislators in California introduced a slate of overreaching Covid-19 vaccine bills.

In this interview with The New American, Laura Sextro, co-founder and CEO of The Unity Project, warns us about the implications of some of the most egregious pieces of legislation.

One of them, SB 871, would require all children aged 0 to 17 to get the Covid vaccine to attend child care or school. Another piece would allow children aged 12 to 17 to get inoculated without their parents’ knowledge or consent. Further, the schools would create long-term testing programs for Covid, exposing children to known cancer agents in PCR tests and sharing their records with the California Department of Public Health.

Ms. Sextro also touched on AB 2098, which would punish physicians for deviating from the official Covid narrative, and warned that that would cause a mass exodus of honest medical professionals from the state, among other consequences. According to Ms. Sextro, these issues affect all Californians, regardless of their political affiliation or vaccination status.

To learn more about the California vaccine bills, please click here.
To learn more about the Unity Project, please click here.