Julie and Allen Quist are both heavily involved in true education and protecting our children from the cultural Marxism being pushed not only in public schools, but in Christian schools, as well. 

Julie is board chairman of Child Protection League, and Allen is a former Minnesota state legislator, adjunct professor of Christian apologetics at Bethany Lutheran College, and the author of 10 books on education and theology. 

This episode of Conversations That Matter with Alex Newman focuses on social and emotional learning (SEL), a topic with which the Quists are very familiar. SEL is “fake education” and pure neo-Marxist indoctrination, saturated with the occult and in opposition to all morality. After discussing the background of SEL and its funding by international corporate interests such as Bill Gates and the Zuckerberg Institute, the Quists emphasize that information is key to getting SEL out of schools — especially Christian schools — as most people have no idea what it truly is. If we are to save our children and culture, it is imperative that we educate parents, administrators, and school-board members to the dangers of social and emotional learning.