UNESCO’s Corrupt Election Offers More Reasons for US Exit

In this video, The New American’s foreign correspondent Alex Newman delves into the selection of the next chief of the UN Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO). Actual communist Irina Bokova, plagued by corruption mega-scandals, has done everything possible to avoid an investigation. And part of that was trying to manipulate the selection of the next UNESCO chief to ensure a fellow corrupt communist would take the post. Since this video was made, the Trump administration has announced that the U.S. government intends to withdraw. But Americans must ensure that this happens, and use the momentum to expose the broader corrupt, totalitarian-minded UN as well.

Related links:

UPDATE: U.S. Exits Corrupt, Communist-led UNESCO

Communist UNESCO Boss Seeks Corrupt Successor to Escape Justice

UN Adopts “Education” Plan to Indoctrinate Children in Globalism

UNESCO Report: Sex Guidelines for Kids From Birth