Seth Rich Murdered for DNC Leak to WikiLeaks, Says Roger Stone

In an interview with The New American magazine, legendary political operative Roger Stone expressed his belief that Democratic National Committee employee Seth Rich was murdered for political purposes — not as a robbery gone bad. In particular, Stone said it was “abundantly clear” that Rich was murdered for having blown the whistle on the DNC by leaking explosive documents to WikiLeaks. Even former DNC boss Donna Brazile — certainly no member of The John Birch Society, Stone said — expressed fear for her life after crossing the Clintons. Stone also said Julian Assange was a journalist and a “truth teller,” not a criminal. Ironically, he noted that liberals loved the WikiLeaks chief when he was exposing the Bush dynasty, but suddenly turned on him when leaks about the Clinton dynasty and Obama began emerging. The Supreme Court has ruled that media may publish information they receive, even if it’s classified, and yet the establishment has gone to extremes trying to bring him down. Trump should pardon Assange to end the “idiocy,” Stone said.