White House Warns Election Results May Not Be Known for “Days”
Karine Jean-Pierre

Echoing political pundits’ midterm election predictions, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced at Monday’s press briefing that “we may not know all the winners of elections for a few days.” 

There are a number of close races in several states whose results will determine which party controls Congress, and counting the votes may just end up taking days. Key states such as Pennsylvania already are warning it could take days to count every ballot.

“It takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner. That’s how this is supposed to work,” Jean-Pierre told reporters at the White House. “You heard the president say this last night,” she said. 

Jean-Pierre held firm with reporters, adding, “as you all know — because you guys have covered this these past couple of years — in 2020, it took two weeks to call every state. In modern elections, more and more ballots are being cast in early voting and also by mail.  And many states don’t start counting those ballots until after the ballots — after — pardon me — after the polls close on November 8th.”

Nathan Gonzales, who publishes the nonpartisan newsletter Inside Elections, told Fox, “When it comes to knowing the results, we should move away from talking about Election Day and think instead about election week,”

But not giving Americans quick and accurate results adds to a lack of trust in the election process, as The Epoch Times reported: “Some politicians, including former President Jimmy Carter in a 2005 report, and other critics have said that delayed vote-counting efforts undermine Americans’ confidence in their elections and raise the risk of fraud.”

Responding to potential election result delays in Pennsylvania, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) tweeted, “Why is it only Democrat blue cities that take ‘days’ to count their votes? The rest of the country manages to get it done on election night.”

With President Biden’s approval rating sitting at an abysmal 39 percent, Republicans appear poised to retake the House. The race to control the Senate is highly competitive, and a few key races will likely determine which party wins the majority. Historically, the party of the president loses seats during midterm elections.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) is likely to become the next House speaker, after four years of Democratic control and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) at the helm. McCarthy said Republicans will win “at least enough to win the majority,” and that “anywhere over 20 [seats] is a red wave.”

Even former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich agrees, stating that he is seeing the “building of a real tsunami, because it goes from coast to coast. It goes from Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, all the way across to Washington State, Nevada, Arizona. He added, “You’re seeing race after race where the Republicans are gaining ground, or are actually pulling ahead and moving out.”

In an attempt to use fear as a campaign tool while knowing there is a widely predicted “red wave” coming to sweep away Biden’s control of congress, Jean-Pierre took the opportunity at Monday’s press briefing to make a final push with Biden’s failed political campaign rhetoric. She proclaimed, “You’ve all heard the President warning that the stakes for middle-class families, when it comes to the choice between the vision he and congressional Democrats share for the middle class and the extreme inflation-worsening agenda of congressional Republicans, could not be higher.” She continued, “Independent economists are warning that Republicans in Congress want to worsen inflation with deficit-exploding tax giveaways for the rich and big corporations.”

Those comments are falling on deaf ears as American voters have suffered through nearly 22 months of a Democrat-controlled government filled with failed policies and broken promises. And election results may take a few days to shine a light on which direction the country will take. 

But whatever happens this week, and for however long it takes to finalize the election results, know that Biden and his brain trust have been exposed, and their woke vision for America will deservedly reap the results of voters’ angst toward their failed socialist agenda.