Metaverse: Globalists Push “Virtual Babies” to Destroy Nuclear  Family

The descent into transhumanism continues, and the next target on its list becomes clear: the family.

One “expert” on artificial intelligence sees “virtual children” as the next frontier in the world of AI. For her, it would be a solution to overpopulation and mark the creation of a significant “digital demographic.”

In her new book, AI by Design: A Plan For Living With Artificial Intelligence, former U.K. government advisor Catriona Campbell claims there will be “lifelike” virtual babies by 2070.

“Make no mistake that this development, should it indeed take place, is a technological game-changer which, if managed correctly, could help us solve some of today’s most pressing issues, including overpopulation,” writes Campbell in her book, as analyzed by The National Pulse.

Campbell, who advised Britain’s government when it drafted its Usability and Accessibility Standards, says one out of five parents will eventually choose to have virtual children over the real thing. She also says these digital babies will go for about $25 a month and would be acquired through a “Netflix-type subscription service.”

“I guest-lecture at various European institutions and have spoken at some of the world’s biggest conferences, Microsoft Global Congress and Media Festival to name but two,” reads her personal bio, according to The Pulse.

In a statement to the South West News Service, Campbell, who has worked for companies such as Skype and Nokia, said:

Virtual children may seem like a giant leap from where we are now, but within 50 years technology will have advanced to such an extent that babies which exist in the metaverse are indistinct from those in the real world. As the metaverse evolves, I can see virtual children becoming an accepted and fully embraced part of society in much of the developed world.

She continued:

This will lead to the first, fully digital demographic which, although somewhat strange on first appearance, in fact represents what could be one of mankind’s most important technological breakthroughs since the advent of the Bronze Age given its potential impact on global populations and societal change.

It’s no surprise that Campbell mentions solving overpopulation as one of the driving forces behind the push for virtual babies. Overpopulation alarmism is the foundation of the Great Reset, the globalist plan to radically reshape society under the guise of saving the planet from climate change and saving the human race from the destruction climate change would cause.

According to the philosophy behind the Great Reset, having too many people on Earth leads to pollution and the erosion of scarce natural resources. This is why the World Economic Forum, the globalist organization that coined the “Great Reset” phrase, has said that, under their vision, “you will own nothing and you will be happy.”

The so-called metaverse being developed by Big Tech is essential to achieving that state. How will the global oligarchs keep the world population happy while owning nothing? Don’t human beings instinctively want to own land, vehicles, consumer goods, their own food? 

The answer: Get everyone hooked on the metaverse. Feed us a virtual world of bells and whistles to keep us entertained so that we’re too distracted to notice how pitiful our condition of serfdom is. 

So what if you can’t own your own plot of land? In the metaverse, you can buy up all the digital land you want.

The New American previously reported on the growing phenomenon of digital real estate:

In the latest example of real money behind virtual real estate, Texas entrepreneur Adam Hollander invested $1.2 million to create an island in the metaverse called White Sands, a tropical getaway.

Per KVUE, White Sands “consists of 3,000 NFT plots of land where users can build their own empires via Minecraft. It will offer 250 pre-built luxury villas available only to current White Sands plot owners in the next few weeks. Built on NFT Worlds, White Sands will soon be connected to thousands of other worlds whose users will be able to roam, interact and enjoy the experiences created by White Sands users.”

Within 24 hours of putting the plots up for sale, Hollander sold all 3,000, raising $4.4 million and selling an additional $3.6 million on the secondary market.

Of course, while the Big Tech overlords are encouraging us to buy digital land, oligarchs such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are buying up the real land.

The same principle applies to the prospective future of virtual babies. The globalists not only want to reduce child-bearing to lower the global population; they instinctively detest children and the family and do all they can to discourage the nuclear family.

This is where digital children come in: Convince people to throw their livelihoods away on virtual families so that they don’t start real families.