UN Internet Summit Run by Beijing Pushes “Global Governance”

Under the leadership of various Communist Chinese agents within the United Nations, the UN’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF) met in Mexico last week and concluded with calls for greater international controls and more “global governance” of the World Wide Web. Another key item on the agenda was exploiting the Internet to promote the UN’s deeply controversial “Agenda 2030” Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), essentially a UN road-map toward global totalitarianism that Beijing played a “crucial role” in developing.

The controversial UN IGF gathering was the first annual summit of governments, dictators, tax-funded “civil society” outfits, academics, and tech companies since Obama surrendered U.S. oversight over crucial components of the Internet’s architecture such as ICANN. It was also the first IGF summit since the mass-murdering dictatorship in China, which censors the Web and savagely persecutes dissidents, boldly announced last month its intent to subordinate the free and open Internet to its draconian vision of “global governance.”

Experts have warned for years that blatant censorship and global Internet taxes will not be far behind if Americans do not step up the pressure to protect Internet freedom. With Obama having attempted to hand over U.S. oversight of the Internet’s architecture to a “global multi-stakeholder” regime in recent months, the effort to re-take control of the Internet Americans helped create and pay for must accelerate if First Amendment protections for speech and journalism online are to survive.

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Indeed, among other troubling topics, speakers and panelists at the UN’s Internet governance confab explored topics such as “dealing with radicalized expression,” according to an official summary document of the confab. By “radicalized expression,” globalists and the UN are referring to conservative viewpoints, anti-UN sentiment, support for traditional values, nationalist or anti-globalist expression, and more. Another subject discussed at the IGF was “the importance of addressing online abuse,” an increasingly transparent ploy intended to justify online censorship.

Officially, the UN summit focused on “Internet and sustainable development; access and diversity; youth and gender challenges pertaining to the Internet; the protection and promotion of human rights online; cybersecurity; the need to enhance multi-stakeholder cooperation; critical Internet resources; Internet governance capacity building; and other emerging issues that may affect the future of the open Internet.” All the PR-friendly rhetoric sounded innocent enough — at first glance.   

Translating the UN’s misleading terminology, though, reveals a deeply controversial agenda to assault online and offline freedom worldwide. Consider, for example, that by “sustainable development,” the UN is referring to massive government controls over the economy, reducing the human population, assaulting private property ownership, redistributing wealth from what remains of the Western middle class to Third World dictators, and more. This has been made clear even by top UN officials.

When the UN speaks of protecting “human rights,” meanwhile, consider that the UN has a very different definition than the God-given rights protected by the U.S. Constitution. Under the guise “human rights,” for example, the UN has called for criminalizing free speech, destroying gun rights, regulating private schools to promote UN dogma, ignoring due-process protections, and many other totalitarian schemes. The UN’s pseudo-“human rights” Council is literally dominated by mass-murdering dictators and unfree regimes that are among the worst abusers of real rights on the planet. And in its Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN explicitly claims in Article 29 that none of those “rights” may be “used contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”   

On at least one point, though, the UN used almost honest verbiage. By “capacity-building” for “Internet governance,” the UN means exactly what this sounds like it means: enhancing the ability of governments, dictators, and the array of international outfits they create, such as the UN, to impose rules, regulations, restrictions, censorship, and taxes on the Internet. That has been the direction and the goal for many years now.    

Among the totalitarian dictatorships that were allowed to organize “open forums” at the IGF summit were the mass-murdering regimes enslaving China and Cuba, both of which operate Orwellian censorship regimes to prevent their victims from accessing information. Other such sessions for governments and globalist bureaucracies were organized by the unelected, technocratic European Union Commission and the African Union. The latter is a dictator-dominated, EU-style transnational regime being imposed on Africans, with virtually all funding coming from the EU, the U.S. government, and the Communist Chinese dictatorship. Various scandal-plagued UN outfits such as UNESCO, WIPO, and more also organized events.  

Despite attempting to conceal the true agenda in slick phraseology calculated to sound harmless or even desirable, the globalist establishment vowed openly to keep pursuing stronger global “governance” for the Internet in fairly transparent terms. For example, delegates plotted the imposition of new “cybersecurity measures” to be “implemented in cooperation with” so-called “international expert bodies” such as the Beijing-dominated UN organs hoping to oversee Internet regulation. And that is just the start.

The plot to exploit the Internet to advance the UN’s totalitarian Agenda 2030 was made explicit throughout, too. “Indeed, the Internet and information and communication technologies (ICTs) can play an important, enabling role in our efforts to fulfill the great promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” boasted UN Assistant Secretary-General Lenni Montiel, who comes from one of the many nations in the world, Venezuela, destroyed by Agenda 2030-style Big Government policies. Montiel received his Master of Science in economics from a communist indoctrination center in Belarus, another nation destroyed and enslaved by a socialist dictatorship dedicated to Agenda 2030-style schemes.

Other speakers, such as Miguel Ruiz Cabañas, Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, boasted that the global policies governing the use of the Internet would be used to fight alleged man-made global warming. Seriously. While details were sketchy, one of the many schemes pushed throughout the summit was the notion that governments “bear a crucial responsibility” in terms of creating “content” for the Internet — presumably a reference to pushing propaganda supporting the UN, the man-made global-warming theory, and more.  

Another key agenda item was discussion of how globalists can exploit the emerging so-called “Internet of Things,” or IoT, to better oppress humanity. “The challenge is to foster this continuous development and to enable the IoT to further grow into the Internet and Internet governance processes,” the IGF summary document explained, citing issues and challenges such as “standardization, interoperability, and security.” Indeed, according to the document, these issues offer “substantial opportunities” for “multi-stakeholder cooperation,” with the stakeholders being the UN, governments, dictators, Big Business, and “civil society” groups funded by governments and the establishment.

As Technocracy Rising author Patrick Wood explained in a recent column, though, the UN’s agenda in seeking to bring the Internet under its control goes far beyond just censorship. “The real prize is completely overlooked: The Internet of Things (IoT),” Wood explained, adding that within a decade IoT is expected to generate upwards of $3 trillion. “If the UN can figure out a way to tax this market, and they will, it will provide a windfall of income and perhaps enough to make it self-perpetuating.”     

That is just the start of it. “But, what is the IoT and who cares? IoT are the connections between inanimate objects and the humans that depend upon them,” Wood continued, pointing to Smart Meters on homes that communicate remotely with home appliances, which can be controlled by external sources, and with the utility company. “Whoever has control over and access to this data will literally be able to control the entire world, down to the last minutiae  – and that is the United Nations’ exact mission: inventory, monitor and control.”

The IGF summit was organized through the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, or UN DESA, a powerful UN bureaucracy that is literally dominated by Communist Chinese operatives dedicated to the Communist Party of China and its totalitarian global agenda. UN DESA’s chief, Wu Hongbo, was the “Assistant Foreign Minister” for the brutal Chinese regime before taking his UN post. He succeeded another Chinese Communist, Sha Zukang, who openly proclaimed his hatred of America and even gave an award to the Communist Chinese butcher responsible for slaughtering peaceful protesters at Tiananmen Square.

One of Wu’s underlings, also a Chinese Communist agent, boasted after the IGF of the growing role that Third World dictatorships would play in governing the Internet. “Leading up to the twelfth IGF next year, innovations in programming and intersessional activities will continue to be implemented in a bottom-up manner, based on feedback from the multistakeholder community and in line with our new mandate which calls for greater participation from stakeholders from developing countries,” said Juwang Zhu, director of the Division for Sustainable Development in UN DESA, with developing countries being the term used by UN bureaucrats to refer to Third World dictatorships that have impoverished their victims for generations.  

Of course, the Communist Chinese celebrations of “sustainable development” are not new, or surprising, as Beijing takes a growing role in what it and Western globalists call the “New World Order.” UN DESA’s former Communist Chinese boss, Sha, was the chair of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in 2012 attended by this reporter. And more recently, the regime in Beijing bragged publicly of its “crucial role” in developing the UN Agenda 2030 for “Sustainable Development,” which a Socialist ex-NATO boss ominously referred to as the next “Great Leap Forward.”  

Another key UN bureaucracy seeking to control the Internet, the UN International Telecommunications Union (ITU), is also led by a Communist Chinese agent — Houlin Zhao, who told the press that censorship is really in the eye of the beholder and not everyone agrees on what censorship is. Essentially, then, the Chinese dictatorship and many of its key allies — from Moscow and Brasilia to Tehran and Havana — hope to empower the little-known UN outfit Zhao leads with awesome powers over the Internet. They have made this perfectly clear for years in official declarations.  

Unsurprisingly, just weeks before the IGF confab in Mexico, brutal Chinese dictator Xi Jinping called for stepped-up “global governance” of the Internet. Speaking by video at the Communist Chinese regime-run “World Internet Conference” in Wuzhen, China, Xi used standard globalist rhetoric to promote UN control of the post-American Internet. “The development of the Internet knows no international boundaries,” declared the tyrant, who leads the government and political party responsible for murdering more people than any other in human history. “The sound use, development and governance of the internet thus calls for closer cooperation.” He also said his regime would  “promote equitable global internet governance.”

Like the Communist regime enslaving mainland China, the UN and many of its totalitarian member regimes were pleased with Obama’s surrender of oversight to globalist “stakeholders” and foreign governments. “The successful transition of the IANA functions to the multi stakeholder community in October of 2016, only a few months prior to the 11th IGF, marks an important milestone for the multi stakeholder Internet governance community,” reads an official summary of the confab by the IGF chair, boasting that new “community-based accountability mechanisms” would now replace the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment guarantees of free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and more. “At the IGF, various workshops and sessions endeavored to learn from the successes and challenges of this important multi stakeholder exercise.”

The UN IGF event took place in Jalisco, Mexico, between December 6 and December 9. Some 3,000 people — many of them representing mass-murdering dictatorships keen to censor the Internet — were reportedly in attendance. At the summit, pictures show the UN’s blue flag flying high, alongside Mexico’s green, white, and red flag, as armed officials stand at attention. The scene, reproduced in UN press releases, encapsulated well by outgoing UN boss Ban Ki Moon as he now regularly refers to the lawless dictators club he leads as the “Parliament of Humanity.”

For Americans concerned about keeping the Internet free and preventing its use by tyrants and globalists to oppress humanity, time is running out. Congress and the Trump administration should be encouraged to take urgent action aimed at stopping the UN and its member regimes from hijacking control of the Internet. As it stands, online freedom is waking people up by the millions around the world. It is also undermining establishment control of humanity and public opinion in an unprecedented way. But without urgent action by Americans to stop it, the UN, Beijing, and other nefarious anti-freedom forces intend to stamp out that freedom forever.    

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.

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