PayPal Dumps Alex Jones; Still Handles SPLC

PayPal finally joined other Big Tech giants in attacking Alex Jones and his Infowars empire, dumping the conservative conspiracy theorist from its site.

The leftist Internet purchasing platform, which handles buying and selling goods online, targeted Jones because he retails “hate speech.” This, we are told, violates PayPal’s policies.

The money-changing giant joined Apple, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter in waging war against Jones. The generalissimo in charge of the campaign was CNN’s senior media writer, Oliver Darcy.

No Policy Violation
PayPal’s notice gave Jones 10 days to find a new vendor to handle payments, The New York Times reported. “PayPal handles all transactions, including credit cards, for the Infowars online store.”

Yet Paypal admitted Jones did nothing wrong. “PayPal said it had made its decision not because of any policy violation but because Infowars’ ‘promotion of hate and discrimination runs counter to our core value of inclusion.’”

Said PayPal, “Our values are the foundation for the decision we made this week.”

PayPal, it seems, has joined the other tech giants in a war to destroy Jones.

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As The New American reported in multiple articles, Facebook and YouTube banned Jones, followed by Twitter, which had suspended him for only seven days after his tussle with leftist Darcy and Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) on Capitol Hill. That dust-up provoked Apple into dropping Jones’s Infowars app from its store. Before, Apple had stopped Jones from hawking his wares on iTunes.

Leading this charge was Darcy, an owlish fellow terrified into speechlessness when Jones confronted him on Capitol Hill. Darcy had harassed Facebook officials about Jones, repeatedly demanding answers to questions he had no business asking.

Questionable Groups Still On PayPal
With Jones gone, PayPal can now concentrate on other organizations that use its platforms to raise money to peddle hatred, violence and murder.

Black Lives Matter chapters across the country raise money on PayPal. Yet BLM activists have waged an ideological war against police. A police officer in Baton Rouge sued BLM after someone at a BLM rally hit him in the head with a rock. A judge dismissed the suit on a technicality, but BLM was, ultimately, the organizer of the rally where the policeman was injured.

Another “charity” for which PayPal handles donations is Planned Parenthood, the federally-subsidized baby-killing operation. The organization retails extremist rhetoric to vilify those who oppose the mass murder of the unborn. PP performs some 321,000 “terminations” annually.

As well, PP sold fetal remains to two companies that pled guilty to retailing the macabre goods on the international market, and the House Select Panel on Infant Lives found that PP ran a major wholesale operation to profit on the fetal remains.

PP repeatedly lied to deny the truth. And its leftist allies helped.

PayPal Helps Fund SPLC Hate
Another of PayPal’s beneficiaries is the Southern Poverty Law Center, the discredited leftist hate group that recently settled a defamation claim because it had falsely accused a Muslim of being an “extremist.” The settlement included a confession of wrongdoing and retraction.

SPLC’s record of smearing what it terms “extremists” is a long one. Two of its recent victims, as The New American reported, were Robert Spencer, who runs the Jihad Watch website, and David Horowitz.

Beyond them, however, SPLC’s smear of the Family Research Council (FRC) led to violence.

Relying on the SPLC’s designation of FRC as an anti-gay “extremist” organization, a terrorist walked into FRC’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., and opened fire. The shooter told authorities that he relied on SPLC’s designation to choose FRC, and that he planned other attacks against conservatives.

Beyond that, SPLC has stashed nearly $100 million in offshore tax-free bank accounts.

A visit to the SPLC’s donation page shows that PayPal still handles the hate group’s donations, despite its long record of hate speech and smearing of conservatives, and ultimately, a “report” that encouraged a terrorist to attack a mainstream Christian group.

Perhaps PayPal should ban BLM, PP, and SPLC given that their “promotion of hate and discrimination runs counter to [their] core value of inclusion.”