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A person obsessed with gambling may focus on it so much, and squander so much money, that his family’s needs remain unmet. Such is the result of obsession — including when that obsession is wokeness.

Some may wonder if this explains why San Francisco, which devotes time and money promoting political correctness, isn’t fulfilling basic government responsibilities — such as ensuring that billions of gallons of sewage and other waste don’t end up in its bay. This not only is happening, but has now resulted in the Golden Gate City being sued by an environmental watchdog organization.

American Thinker frames the story:

San Francisco has long been at the forefront of all things progressive: it was one of the first locales to begin decriminalizing marijuana, which of course devolved into the druggie free-for-all it now is; home to pederasts like Harvey Milk, the LGBTQ++ community, no matter how obscene (Folsom Street Fair) is always celebrated; it’s home to social programs like GIFT, which isn’t just ordinary welfare, but a handout that can pay out as much as $21,600 per enrollee and is exclusively for “trans” people; and the city has an official “Poop Patrol” department to clean up all the human fecal matter plopped around the sidewalks thanks to the sizable vagrant population.

Add to this that Frisco also instituted plastic straw, bag, and water-bottle bans; prohibited e-cigarettes (which can help people kick tobacco habits); had once banned city-funded travel to non-sexual devolutionary states; banned the pre-fall-from-grace Boy Scouts from government schools; and is a “sanctuary city,” and it explains why a commentator wrote years ago that the metropolis is “more politically correct than liveable.” And perhaps this is now true for the Bay, too.

This brings us to the Left-suing-Left lawsuit. As KRON 4 reports:

San Francisco Baykeeper said it is taking legal action against the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and the city after sewage and trash-filled runoff flowed into the bay during heavy rainstorms.

The local nonprofit watchdog organization said its investigation found hundreds of federal Clean Water Act violations over the last five winters.

According to Baykeeper, the SFPUC discharges an average of 1.2 billion gallons of combined stormwater runoff and sewage every year. About six percent of its total discharge is sewage, environmental advocates said. In a wet year, this is enough to fill 180 Olympic-sized swimming pools, Baykeeper said.

… Nearly all of SFPUC’s discharges flow into Mission Creek and Islais Creek, Baykeeper found. The nonprofit’s field investigators visited Mission Creek during sewer discharges and saw the presence of fecal matter, plastics, syringes, and condoms in the water.

Not surprisingly, the SFPUC denies the charges. “While other coastal cities in California have separate sewer and stormwater systems, most of San Francisco is served by a combined sewer system,” a commission spokesman told KRON. “This combined system provides greater environmental benefits because it captures and treats most stormwater to the same high standards that apply to wastewater from homes and businesses before releasing it to the bay or ocean.”

How the plastics, syringes, and condoms (assuming Baykeeper’s info is correct) were treated to make them acceptable for waterway release was not reported.

Adding further perspective, American Thinker writes about this: “Gasoline cars, gas stoves, air conditioners, dishwashers, lightbulbs must all be regulated or taxed into nonexistence for the little people, because the ‘carbon footprint’ of such amenities is too detrimental to the environment — but poop, dirty needles, and old rubbers don’t really seem to spark the same outrage.”

“The left’s idea of what’s clean and what’s dirty, and what’s pollution and what’s not, is fittingly inverted, because they’re flat-out wrong on everything,” the site later summed up, “and their childish fantasies of utopia are entirely disconnected from reality and objectivity.”

Is this an exaggeration? Well, consider other left-wing environmental “achievements.”

One little-mentioned byproduct of the illegal migration the Left facilitates is the massive amount of trash (video below) the aliens leave in their wake while invading our country.

Of course, large, leftist-run cities are litter-ridden (and rat-infested) as well. But is it possible that if their leaders were less concerned with flying rainbow flags and giving illegals prepaid debit cards and $500-per-night hotel rooms and more concerned with quality-of-life issues, they could clean up the streets?

Then, back in the ’70s there were warnings about cutting down too many trees (an imperative considered a reason to switch from paper supermarket bags to … wait for it … plastic ones!). In recent times, however, greentopians have actually been destroying forest all over the Western world in “clean energy’s” name (e.g., to make room for wind farms — video below). Whatever happened to concern over decimating animal habitat?

The tragic irony is that the last two topics don’t involve some theoretical threat supposedly lying 50 years in the future. They involve something real: A pristine environment is better than a littered environment. Clean streets are better than dirty streets. Robust forests are better than ruined forests.

But that San Fran is a big bedpan is par for the course. As I illustrated in 2020’s “Why the Greentopians Would Destroy the Earth,” government entities that we call “left-wing” are generally some of the world’s worst polluters.

That’s what happens, too, when the fantasies of a dark faith supplant reality in human minds: Just as governments trouble over mythical “white privilege” while shoplifters operate with impunity, so do they preach green gospel while raping the environment.