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Drop boxes were a critical component of Democrat Joe Biden’s “victory” over then-President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, and if Wisconsin’s Democratic governor, Tony Evers, has his way, the ban put in place in 2022 on their use in this year’s presidential election will go away. Evers filed a brief on Tuesday asking the Wisconsin Supreme Court to reverse their 2022 ruling.

“Depositing a ballot into a drop box maintained by the municipal clerk is a personal delivery to the municipal clerk in much the same way as a ballot is mailed when an individual drops it in the mailbox without waiting to watch it be collected by the postal carrier,” Evers argued in his brief.

Wisconsin’s Supreme Court 4-3 ruling in July 2022 limited absentee drop box locations to the offices of election clerks. But since that time the court has shifted to the left, and it is now controlled by Democratic judges. Priorities USA, a liberal voter-mobilization group, and the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Voters, another left-wing organization, have asked the court to reverse the ruling made by the previously more “conservative” court.

The crux of their argument is that Wisconsin does not ban drop boxes, so therefore they are legal.

More than 500 drop boxes were made available in 2020 (supposedly because individuals did not want to catch Covid while voting in person), with many of them in the heavily Democratic cities of Madison and Milwaukee.

Drop boxes were a source of the controversy that swirled around the 2020 presidential election in which Democrat Joe Biden was said to have carried Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Michigan — all states that Trump had carried when he defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016. As documented by Dinesh D’Souza in his film 2000 Mules, drop boxes enabled Biden to increase his vote totals in some of these battleground states when thousands of ballots of questionable validity were placed in boxes during all hours of the day — and night.

“All across our country, election officials have chosen to use drop boxes to ensure that all eligible voters can freely cast their ballots,” Evers argued. “Drop box voting is safe and secure, and there is nothing in Wisconsin’s election laws that prohibit our local clerks from using this secure option…. At the very heart of our democracy is the fundamental freedom to vote.” He dismissed the previous Supreme Court ruling as “incorrect.”

In addition to the request that the more-liberal court overturn the ruling by a previously conservative court, the Elias Law Group — representing the two liberal organizations and a man in Dane County — is also petitioning for the court to overturn the decision of a judge in Waukesha County that prevents election clerks from filling in missing information on absentee ballots.

Supporters of drop boxes have told the Wisconsin Supreme Court that the boxes are “critical” for those who have difficulty voting due to a “disability,” or even “scheduling conflicts, lack of transportation, or other hardship.”

Democratic Governor Evers apparently wants more drop boxes because he believes that their use in 2020 was a critical factor in Biden winning the state that year, and he wants them used again so that Biden can perhaps eke out another victory this year. It is unlikely that Evers would be urging their use again if he believed they would help Trump.

The justification for the widespread use of drop boxes in 2020 was public health — they were supposedly a one-time deal due to the Covid pandemic. There is no such concern this year, yet Evers and other Democrats want them used again. Most media outlets dismiss any concerns whatsoever about the peculiar results from 2020 as examples of “election denialism.” (The use of the word “denialism” or “denier” is clearly an effort to associate those who express concern about the election with those who “deny” the reality of the Holocaust, in which Hitler’s National Socialists gassed millions of Jews. Similar use of the word is made to attack those who question any suppositions about so-called global climate change).

If the Democrats really wanted to reassure Americans that our elections are not fraudulent, they would gladly eliminate extraordinary election measures like drop boxes (where ballots can be stuffed in the middle of the night). But they are willing to continue to use drop boxes and other assorted supposedly one-time measures because they believe Biden cannot win without them.

It is as simple as that.

Evers argues that the “freedom to vote” is at the “very heart of our democracy.” Of course, our Constitution created a republic, not a democracy, but it is true that we settle our political differences at the ballot box. As long as elections are perceived to be fair and free from fraud, the losing side may not like the results, but they tend to accept them. But once millions of Americans perceive that our elections are not free from widespread fraud, our civil society will soon cease to exist.

But Evers does not seem to care about that — because winning this election for Joe Biden is more important to him.

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