Hundreds of members have promoted the convention in their capacities as officials of the federal government — in both Republican and Democratic administrations. Still more have provided “expert” testimony before Senate committees, written op-eds for major newspapers, appeared on news programs, or spoken before influential political and commercial forums. Dozens of other world government-promoting groups have been brought onboard to aid the effort: the World Federalist Association, the United Nations Association, Citizens for Global Solutions, the Brookings Institution, the Carnegie Endowment, the Rockefeller Foundation, etc. In most of these cases, CFR members play a central role as officers and spokesmen, creating the false appearance of a massive groundswell of popular support. In reality, the CFR and its ancillary groups comprise only a few thousand members. However, their strategic placement inside our government, the media, academia, and the corporatist elite has given them influence vastly disproportionate to their numbers.
For more on LOST, click here. In the linked article you will find that most of the key people mentioned — Bernard Oxman, John Norton Moore, John Negroponte, Condoleezza Rice, Susan Rice, Strobe Talbott, Colin Powell, John Kerry — are longtime CFR members.