Weinstein Sent More Money to Clinton Than Any Other Democrat

Disgraced movie tycoon and convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein has given more money to Hillary Clinton than to any other Democrat politician.

Though Weinstein was tight as a tick with top Democrats, who claim they didn’t know about the sex fiend’s reign of sexual terror over women in the movie industry, Clinton was Queen Bee in Weinstein’s hive of Democrat recipients.

At least 87 women have accused Weinstein of one sexual transgression or another, and four days ago, a jury convicted him of rape.

Clinton’s answer to inquiries about the revelation: No worries, everybody took money!

And after all, “what difference, at this point, does it make?”

Big Bucks From Harvey
It makes a lot of difference if you’re one of Weinstein’s victims, particularly given that Clinton hasn’t disposed of the money, except for a pittance she donated to charity.

“Federal Election Commission filings show the disgraced movie mogul bundled $1.4 million for Clinton during her presidential bid in 2016 and handed her another $73,390 dating back to her 1999 New York Senate run,” the New York Post reported on Wednesday.

But Clinton had an answer ready for any reporter interested enough in her cozy relationship with the sex weirdo.

“He contributed to every Democrat’s campaign,” she said. “He contributed to Barack Obama’s campaign, and John Kerry’s campaign and Al Gore’s campaign and everybody’s campaign.”

In other words, everybody was doing it.

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Reported the Post:

The Miramax founder raised $72,100 for Obama but only bundled $679,000 for his 2012 re-election bid — half of what he raised for Clinton, the FEC data shows.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, bundlers are “people with friends in high places who, after bumping against personal contribution limits, turn to those friends, associates, and, well, anyone who’s willing to give, and deliver the checks to the candidate.”

The generous donor also made five-figure contributions to Democratic lawmakers such as Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, who replaced Clinton as the junior senator for New York, and Chuck Schumer, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Patrick Leahy of Vermont.

Booker pocketed $17,800, Schumer $14,200, Gillibrand $11,000, Leahy $5,600 and Blumenthal $5,400.

Weinstein also showered the Democrat Party with millions. “The Democratic National Committee also received $305,149 from Weinstein dating back to 1994, the Post reported, and “in total, the disgraced movie producer contributed more than $2.3 million to Democratic coffers.”

Money Donated
The Post reported that Senator Chuck Schumer and Cory Booker gave Weinstein’s money to women’s charities, as did Kirsten Gillibrand, Patrick Leahy, and Richard Blumenthal.

In keeping with the party’s firm committment to the mass murder of the unborn, “the DNC committed to donating $30,000 to political action groups including pro-choice Emily’s List,” the Post reported.

Though she was “sick,” “shocked,” and “appalled” by Weinstein’s sex crimes, Clinton told CNN in 2017, the former senator could donate only $13,000 to charity, a pittance compared to what she collected from the rapist.

The figure looks even worse next to the net worth of Clinton and her husband Bill, who is also a rapist if you believe Jaunita Broaddrick and other women.

Despite leaving the White House in 2001 $12 million in debt, the Clintons are filthy rich.

On the very day that CNN divulged her not-so-generous gift to charity, Town and Country magazine divulged just how much the pair of leftist politicians are worth:

Clinton’s tax returns show that she and former President Bill Clinton have made $240 million since leaving the White House, thanks largely to speaking engagements and books. Forbes attributes a large portion of that — $189 million — to Bill Clinton, leaving Hillary with a $51 million profit so far.

Since Clinton herself said she and her husband left the White House “dead broke,” what they’ve made since then provides a good idea of their net worth today. Wealth-X estimates Hillary Clinton’s net worth to be at least $18 million, and her federal financial disclosure filing in 2015 showed that she had between $11.3 million and $52.7 million in the bank.

In other words, Clinton could easily have opened her checkbook and given the same amount to a worthy cause that Weinstein gave to her campaigns.

So it was and is possible to “give the money back.”

Weinstein Conviction
On Monday, a jury convicted Clinton’s former pal of the rape and sexual assault of two women. He could spend as many as 29 years in prison, the Associated Press reported.

“The verdict followed weeks of often harrowing and excruciatingly graphic testimony from a string of accusers who told of rapes, forced oral sex, groping, masturbation, lewd propositions,” AP reported.

Similar accusations in the past against Hillary Clinton’s husband went nowhere.

Photo: AP Images

R. Cort Kirkwood is a long-time contributor to The New American and a former newspaper editor.