Warren Smears Kavanaugh With Doctored Video

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is at it again. Having lied about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony about a court decision for which he wrote a dissent, she is now lying — using doctored video — about something Kavanaugh said during a speech at Catholic University of America in 2015.

Warren’s implication? That Kavanaugh’s remark in the speech, “what happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep,” means he probably did attempt to rape accuser Christine Blasey Ford at a party 40 years ago.

One problem: As with the the doctored video that Warren’s leftist colleague Kamala Harris tried peddling about Kavanaugh, Warren got caught.

Warren’s Evil Deed
Warren tweeted this remark, Kavanaugh video attached, on Wednesday:

“Brett Kavanaugh talking about his high school in 2015: “What happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep.”

I can’t imagine any parent accepting this view. Is this really what America wants in its next Supreme Court Justice?

Kavanaugh attended Georgetown Prep for high school.

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Warren’s implication is that Kavanaugh was dog whistling to fellow alumni and speaking of drunkenness and debauchery, or perhaps attempted rapes such as one of which he is accused by a leftist woman with memory problems and zero evidence.

MSNBC peddled the same video, with one leftist website calling it “damning,” given, again, Ford’s unprovable accusations.

The Full Video
As Fox News reported, Kavanaugh’s remarks before Warren’s tactical cut obviously set up a joke. “By coincidence, three classmates of mine at Georgetown Prep were graduates of this law school in 1990 and are really really good friends of mine,” Kavanaugh said. The federal judge named the friends, saying “they were good friends of mine then, and they are still good friends of mine as recently as this weekend when we were all on email together.”

Then he made the joke, which riffs off the advertisements for Las Vegas.

Wrote Mark Hemingway of the Weekly Standard, “This has zero bearing on whether Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Ford, and the party of underage abortion and birth control on demand suddenly becoming neopuritans is a tad pathetic.”

Gabriel Malor, a contributor to The Federalist, also noted Warren’s lie: “As we know, Warren is very comfortable misleading people. Her constituents deserve better.”

Warren’s First Lie About Kavanaugh
During Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings, Warren and other leftists pushed the lie that Kavanaugh equated birth control with abortion.

Kavanaugh had answered a question from Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) about his dissent in a case about ObamaCare’s contraception mandate, and explained very clearly that Priests for Life, the plaintiff, had argued that the mandate required them to provide birth control that induces abortion.

Almost immediately, the lies began, as The New American reported.

Tweeted Warren, “Newsflash, Brett Kavanaugh: Contraception is NOT abortion. Anyone who says so is peddling extremist ideology — not science — and has no business sitting on the Supreme Court.”

Harris piled on, pushing doctored video of the exchange. Such was the egregiousness of that effort even the leftist Washington Post published a fact-check that awarded the senators four Pinocchios. In other words, the Post said, they lied.

No Effect
Warren’s desperate measure, a transparent leftist smear job from the pro-abortion left, isn’t likely to derail Kavanaugh.

Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), head of the Judiciary Committee that handles court nominations, set a deadline of tomorrow 10 .a.m. for Kavanaugh’s accuser to provide prepared testimony about her murky claim of attempted rape.

Ford wants the FBI to investigate her claims, something of an impossibility given that Ford herself says she told no one about it until 2012, meaning contemporary witnesses can’t be found. As well, Ford can’t even remember key details.

Even worse, a schoolmate who supports Ford’s account was forced to delete at least two social-media posts because her retelling directly contracted Ford’s. The woman, who opposes Kavanaugh’s elevation to the court, claimed she heard about the attack in school, but Ford says Kavanaugh attacked her at a summer party. As well, again, if Ford didn’t tell anyone about it at the time, the woman couldn’t have known.

In deleting her posts, the woman admitted she knew nothing about the attack and instructed the media to leave her alone, but that her tweet had “served its purpose.”

Indeed it had.

Photo: AP Images