Trump Vs. “The Mooch”: New Coup Attempt Led by Scaramucci

Wall St. Deep Stater Anthony Scaramucci (shown) is putting together a new political coup effort inside the GOP to dump Trump.


For the past several weeks, Anthony Scaramucci has been escalating his high-profile attacks on President Donald Trump. Beginning in July, he delivered a number of media interviews criticizing what he called Trump’s racist rhetoric, while at the same time insisting he doesn’t believe that Trump is a racist and that he was still supporting Trump’s re-election in 2020. However, his criticism grew steadily harsher, and he says he is now actively working with other former Trump administration officials and GOP strategists to replace Trump in the 2020 race.

It’s no surprise that one of the key people Scaramucci has had conversations with on this score is “Never Trump” Bill Kristol, the neoconservative founder/editor of the Weekly Standard.

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Scaramucci, the former head of SkyBridge Capital, served a very brief term (11 days) as President Trump’s White House communications director in 2017.  Recently, he has become almost a regular featured guest on CNN, MSNBC, and the other all-anti-Trump/all-the-time networks and cable shows. Known to friends and foes as “The Mooch,” Scaramucci and President Trump have been engaged in a Twitter war recently with the president, in an August 19 tweet,
calling The Mooch a “highly unstable ‘nut job.'”

“Anthony Scaramucci is a highly unstable “nut job” who was with other candidates in the primary who got shellacked, & then unfortunately wheedled his way into my campaign. I barely knew him until his 11 days of gross incompetence-made a fool of himself, bad on TV. Abused staff,” the president tweeted. Trump’s broadside continued in a follow-up tweet:

….got fired. Wrote a very nice book about me just recently. Now the book is a lie? Said his wife was driving him crazy, “something big” was happening with her. Getting divorced. He was a mental wreck. We didn’t want him around. Now Fake News puts him on like he was my buddy!

In an earlier Twitterburst on August 10, the president  charged:

Anthony Scaramucci, who was quickly terminated (11 days) from a position that he was totally incapable of handling, now seems to do nothing but television as the all time expert on “President Trump.” Like many other so-called television experts, he knows very little about me…..

He continued the Twitter-rant:

…..other than the fact that this Administration has probably done more than any other Administration in its first 2 1/2 years of existence. Anthony, who would do anything to come back in, should remember the only reason he is on TV, and it’s not for being the Mooch!

The president’s tweets came in response to a Scaramucci appearance earlier in the morning on CNN’s “New Day,” where he announced he is organizing a coalition of Republicans to oppose the president.

President Trump might have spared himself (and the country) a great deal of grief by paying heed to warnings from The New American in early 2017 concerning his appointment of Scaramucci and other establishment insiders and Deep State players to key posts in the new administration. In “Team Trump’s Troubling Tentacles: The Goldman Sachs Vampire Squid,” for instance, we pointed out the obvious dangers of appointing notorious globalists from Goldman Sachs, the Blackstone Group, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Concerning Scaramucci we noted:

Known affectionately among his Wall Street cronies as “the Mooch,” Scaramucci launched his high-finance career at Goldman Sachs (1989-1996) before launching his own hedge funds — Oscar Capital, and then SkyBridge Capital, which is currently reported to have $12 billion in assets under management. The gregarious and well-connected investment manager serves as impresario at the annual SkyBridge Alternatives (SALT) conference in Las Vegas, a sort of mini-Davos that attracts the movers and shakers (as well as wannabes) of the political and financial worlds. In January of this year, Scaramucci announced the sale of his remaining 45 percent stake in SkyBridge (for a reported $180 million) along with his plans to join the Trump administration as a top assistant to the president.

We noted further that “Concerns over the shadowy buyers of SkyBridge (HNA Capital and RON Transatlantic) may have had something to do with the decision to drop Scaramucci. HNA, the giant Chinese conglomerate that has been on a multi-billion-dollar global buying spree that includes buying up important U.S. companies (recent acquisitions: Hilton Hotels and tech company Ingram Micro), is, like all Chinese companies, closely tied to the country’s ruling Communist Party, and keeps its financial books, investors, and operations shrouded in secrecy.”

Scaramucci, a member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, says he is a Republican and won’t support a Democrat candidate for president in 2020. However, in the not-so-distant past he has supported the political campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, as well as establishment Republicans Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush. He is also a longtime supporter of gun control, abortion, and other “progressive” causes.

“Never Trump” Neocons and Swamp Insiders Are Still at It

“The ‘Never Trump’ movement has a new ally: hedge fund boss Anthony Scaramucci, who was fired in 2017 after serving 11 days as communications director in President Donald Trump’s White House,” CNBC reported on August 16.

“Anti-Trump pundit and veteran Republican operative Bill Kristol confirmed to CNBC in a few brief text messages that he has spoken to Scaramucci since the SkyBridge Capital founder had a public falling out with Trump this summer. Asked whether he has spoken to Scaramucci about trying to find another presidential candidate to replace Trump on the top of the GOP ticket next year, Kristol said: ‘Yup.’”

Scaramucci also claims that he is in contact with people inside the Trump administration who are eager to sabotage their boss and help “The Mooch” oust the president. “The overwhelming flood of texts, phone conversations and support last night from people that are actually inside the White House, up on Capitol Hill, former elected officials, current people in position of power, current elected officials, is truly staggering,” Scaramucci said on CNN’s New Day.

It is now becoming more apparent to many observers that Scaramucci’s earlier announcements of support for Trump were part of a calculated setup to lend more credibility and impact to his subsequent “break” with the president. It is unlikely that the vain and voluble Mooch has concocted this effort himself. A more believable explanation is that he has been selected as the combative and “colorful” front man for the same Deep State forces that failed to unseat President Trump with their relentless (and ultimately fruitless) Trump-Russia collusion and obstruction of justice charges.

Now, they are putting all their chips on their renewed “Trump is a racist” charge.  We can expect more of the anti-Trump swamp creatures — current and former administration officials and bureaucrats, as well as GOP politicos — to join the Scaramucci coup attempt in the weeks ahead.

Photo of Anthony Scaramucci: AP Images

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