Trump: “America Last” Biden, Dems “Destroying Our Country”
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Sounding very much like a candidate for 2024, former President Donald Trump leveled the anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-American Biden Regime last night in a speech before North Carolina’s Republicans.

At the state GOP convention in Greenville, Trump accused his successor of an “America Last” program of importing Latin America’s penniless masses, kowtowing to Red China, and attempting to impose the most hard-left agenda in American history.

Trump also wants to punish China for its role in creating the virus that caused the global pandemic, which in turn razed the American economy and, more importantly, killed thousands.

Joe Biden, Trump said, is trying to destroy the United States of America.

Hate-America Platform

“As we gather tonight, our country is being destroyed before our very own eyes,” Trump said of Democrat elected officials:

Crime is exploding. Police departments are being ripped apart and defunded. Can you believe that? Is that good politics, defund our police? Number one, it’s bad for our country, but think of it, defund our police. You know, I’ve long said they’re vicious, they’re violent. They, in many cases, hate our country and they have bad policy. Now, the bad news from our standpoint, they stick together. They don’t have some of the people like we have where they go on their own and they do what they have to. They stick together, and that’s the one thing they have. They stick together, but their policy is so bad.

But that’s not all.

“Illegal immigration is skyrocketing at a level that we’ve never seen before,” he said. “Drugs are pouring in. Gas prices are soaring. Our industries are being pillaged by foreign cyber attacks. That’s a lack of respect for our country and for our leaders.”

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Continued Trump:

We’re going to take back our country.… We can’t allow bad things to happen to our country. Bad, bad things are happening to us, perhaps like never before. 

Among them are record numbers of illegal aliens pouring across the border and not being deported. Trump said he gave Biden the most secure border in history because he began building a wall. 

While “the number of illegal aliens coming across our border declined by an astounding 91 percent,” he said, “under Joe Biden, illegal crossings are up nearly 1,000 percent compared to the same period last year.”

Trump elaborated, reprising his 2016 campaign theme: “They’re not sending their best.”

Continued Trump:

They’re emptying their prisons. They’re sending murderers, drug dealers, human traffickers, and others just as bad to the United States. Let the United States take care of them. Remember it’s called America last. In April alone, over 175,000 illegal aliens were apprehended and mostly released. You know where they were released, right? They were released into our country and we saw the largest number ever of unaccompanied minors. We’ve never seen anything like it….

You don’t see it too much on the evening news yet, but you’re going to see it because they’re destroying our country.

Trump noted a recent report that 1,000 illegals per day slip past border agents “as the radical Democrats have intentionally, ruthlessly, and systematically dismantled the sovereign borders of the United States of America. We have people just walking into our country. Nobody knows who they are, where they’re from. There’s no vetting, there’s no anything. And some of these people are very, very bad people.”

Trump also explained the obvious, so even the most obtuse Democrat can understand it: “Without a border, you cannot have a nation, certainly not a great nation. We fight for other country’s borders, but we don’t fight for our own border.” 

The Democrats, he said, have “turned America into a sanctuary for criminal aliens.”

China Must Pay

“But the border is just the beginning of the Biden disasters,” he said.

Trump noted that Biden cost the country 48,000 jobs the minute he shut down the Keystone Pipeline, and that he handed Biden the “greatest economy in the history of the world.”

Biden is set on wrecking it, he said. The “economy is going to Hell and inflation is going to cause a catastrophe in the near future.” As well, Biden re-entered the anti-American Paris Climate Accord and sent gas prices up 71 percent from a year ago.

“Democrats are now attempting to pass the largest tax hike in American history and it will affect everybody” Trump said. “They’re saying it’s against the rich. It’s against everybody.”

Democrats are also “pushing a $2.25 trillion infrastructure bill that’s not infrastructure,” he said:

The Democrat legislation also includes an extreme plan to abolish single family home zoning, which would obliterate your home values, increase crime, and destroy the suburbs all to satisfy the far-left agenda of AOC, Bernie Sanders, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar, who is telling us how to run our country.”

Trump expounded on the anti-American Omar with a simple truth:

She comes from a country that’s done a wonderful job running their country. Now, she’s telling us how to run our country. While Democrats push economic policies designed to punish American workers, Republicans must keep on fighting to protect, promote, and uplift the American worker who we cherish.

Trump also expects China to pay the bill for the virus it unleashed. “The media, the Democrats, and the so-called experts are now finally admitting what I first said 13 months ago,” he said. “The evidence demonstrates that the virus originated in a Chinese government lab.”

The penalty must be harsh:

The United States should immediately take steps to phase in a firm 100 percent tariff on all goods made in China….

All nations should work together to present China a bill for a minimum of $10 trillion to compensate for the damage they’ve caused. That’s a very low number. The damage is far, far greater than that. As a first step, all countries should collectively cancel any debt they owe to China as a down payment on reparations. The nations of the world should no longer owe money to China. China has destroyed so many nations. But China should owe money to the nations of the world. They’ve been destroyed. These nations have been destroyed.

Trump attacked government-run schools that indoctrinate children with leftist ideology, and said leftists “slander our country, disparage our founding, divide our children” and are “willing to weaponize the law itself to persecute their political opponents.”

Of course, Trump touted his own administration’s record, particularly with the development of three China Virus vaccines.

He also returned to last year’s suspicious presidential election and vote fraud, and warned what “we” would do once in power — again, a suggestion that he might be a candidate in 2024: 

We will break up the big tech monopolies, reject left-wing cancel culture, restore free speech in America, and demand free, fair and honest transparent elections. We will strengthen our military, support our great police, and always take care of our amazing veterans.