Tom DeWeese, founder and president of the pro-liberty American Policy Center and a member of the National Council of The John Birch Society, recently gave a series of talks in Iowa warning against the carbon-capture pipeline climate-change alarmists want to build in that state, ostensibly to protect the Earth from CO2 despite the fact that this gas is essential for plant life. After his tour, he wrote an article about this lunacy for The New American that appears in our September 12, 2022 issue under the title “Fighting Carbon-carbon Pipelines: Stopping Environmental Idiocracy.” In this interview for Beyond the Cover, DeWeese discusses the success of his tour, pointing to the fact that freedom-loving Americans have had enough and are getting involved to stop the carbon-capture pipelines and (in general) to save our freedoms and American way of life. He also exposes the subversive agenda behind the idiocy.
To read Tom DeWeese’s article, click here.
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