TDS Still Hasn’t Peaked: Bill Would Forbid Naming Anything After Trump.
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Trump Derangement Syndrome has not peaked. Two failed impeachments over crimes he did not commit were not enough. A four-year Two Minute Hate was not enough. Nothing ever will be.

Leftist Representative Linda Sanchez (shown) of California has introduced a bill that will block honoring President Trump by attaching his name to any federal building, monument or “park bench.”

Madame Sanchez is, in a word, hysterical.

A telltale sign of TDS, hysteria is becoming more common among young leftists in Congress, who can’t seem to comport themselves with the dignity such a position requires.

The Bill

Sanchez is, apparently, no exception, although she’s older than the typical hysteric and has served in Congress since 2003.

“For years, Donald Trump poured gasoline on lies, encouraging racism and hatred, then lit the match on January 6th,” Sanchez wailed:

A president who has been impeached twice does not deserve the honors bestowed on a former president. We should never glorify the hatred Donald Trump personified as President. This bill ensures that there is no glory for hate — not a building, statue, or even a park bench.

Thus, her silly bill, which has 13 cosponsors, to block Trump’s name from adorning anything federal:

No Federal funds may be used to create or display any symbol, monument, or statue commemorating any former President that has been twice impeached by the House of Representatives on or before the date of enactment of this Act or has been convicted of a State or Federal crime relating to actions taken in an official capacity as President of the United States.

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Such commemorative totems cannot be on any federal public land, including “any highway, park, subway, Federal building, military installation, street, or other Federal property.”

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The bill blocks any of the normal benefits a former president gets, such as free mail and a pension. Nor will Trump be buried in Arlington National Cemetery when he dies because, again, he was twice impeached.

That the Senate twice acquitted him doesn’t matter.

Fumed Sanchez:

Even though Trump is no longer in office, he should still be held accountable for his actions and the taxpayers should not foot the bill for his future actions. I can’t imagine sending students in Southern California — or anywhere in America — to a school named in honor of a traitorous president.

The bill has to pass before Sanchez can declare Trump persona non grata. Given that six Republican senators voted to convict Trump during his impeachment trial, the measure could pass.

Symptom of TDS

Hysteria is a major symptom of TDS, particularly among (but certainly not limited to) young, elected women on Capitol Hill. Though Trump is down at Mar-A-Lago playing golf, hysterics see the 45th president in febrile dreams, during which he wrecks democracy, makes “transgender” men cry, and stomps on small animals.

The hysteria manifests in crying jags and ridiculous claims.

After the unfortunate violence at the U.S. Capitol that marred a mostly peaceful, pro-Trump protest on January 6, Representative Rashida Tlaib nearly collapsed in tears when she explained what a tough day it was.

“This is so hard, because, as many of my colleagues know, my closest colleagues know, on my very first day of orientation, I got my first death threat,” she blubbered:

It was a serious one. They took me aside. The FBI had to go to the gentleman’s home. I didn’t even get sworn in yet, and someone wanted me dead for just existing. More came later, uglier, more violent, one celebrating, in writing, the New Zealand massacre and hoping that more would come, another mentioning my dear son Adam — mentioning him by name. Each one paralyzed me each time.”

She wasn’t paralyzed enough in those early days to avoid a party and shout “we’re gonna impeach the motherf***er,” but anyway, Tlaib claimed her siblings told her to get a gun. 

Being a Muslim in Congress, she claimed, is dangerous. Maybe, but it’s not quite as dangerous as being an office worker in the World Trade Center was on 9/11 when Muslim terrorists hijacked four jets for the attack.

But Tlaib went on: 

So, what happened on January 6th, all I could do was thank Allah that I wasn’t here. I felt overwhelming relief. And I feel bad for Alexandria, so many of my colleagues that were here. But as I saw it, I thought to myself, “Thank God I’m not there.” I saw the images that they didn’t get to see until later.…

And I have to tell you, the trauma from just being here, existing as a Muslim, is so hard, but imagine my team, which I lovingly just adore. They are diverse. I have LGBTQ staff. I have a beautiful Muslim that wears her hijab proudly in the halls. I have Black women that are so proud to be here to serve their country. And I worry every day for their lives because of this rhetoric. I never thought that they would feel unsafe here.

That’s exactly what GIs at Ford Hood thought on November 5, 2009 when Nidal Hassan, a Muslim Army officer, shouting “Allahu Akbar!” shot and killed 13 people.

Another hysteric, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), stood by her side. 

Although Ocasio-Cortez’s TDS-associated hysteria doesn’t seem as severe as Tlaib’s, it can be as irrational. She actually claimed that Senator Ted Cruz “almost had me murdered” that awful day.

No, he didn’t.

But the hysteria is spreading.