Senate to Vote on New Election Power-grab Bill

After seeing their previous pet election bills stall or fail, congressional Democrats are seeking to pass new legislation that again would federalize elections and compromise election integrity.

Earlier this year, Democrats introduced the “For the People Act,” which had also been introduced the previous year. Despite passing the House, it was filibustered in the Senate and failed to meet the 60-vote threshold to pass. Democrats then introduced the “John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act,” which would have federalized American elections by giving the Department of Justice the ability to unilaterally pick and choose which state laws can be enforced. However, despite passing the House, it has stalled in the Senate.

Unwilling to accept defeat, Senate Democrats introduced S. 2747, titled the “Freedom to Vote Act.” It is sponsored by Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and co-sponsored by seven other senators, including the supposedly “moderate” Joe Manchin (D-W.V.). The Senate is expected to vote on S. 2747 as soon as this week.

In line with its Orwellian title, S. 2747 would decimate election integrity and inhibit Americans from ensuring truly free elections. Despite being labeled as “paired-down” or a “compromise” by the media, its provisions are unprecedented, blatantly unconstitutional, and extreme.

Among other provisions, it would:

  • force each state to provide automatic voter registration for everyone with a driver’s license;
  • mandate that states provide online voter registration;
  • require states to provide same-day voter registration;
  • force states to provide at least 15 consecutive days of early voting, including two weekends;
  • make vote-by-mail and ballot drop boxes nationwide policies;
  • weakens states’ ability to clean up voter rolls (despite Senator Klobuchar’s press release claiming otherwise);
  • expands “voting access” to “underserved communities,” which likely vote primarily for the Democrat Party; and
  • unconstitutionally limits state legislatures from redrawing congressional districts as they see fit.

Speaking about S. 2747, Senator Klobuchar claimed, “We have seen unprecedented attacks on our democracy in states across the country. These attacks demand an immediate federal response.”

Her statement is false. Contrary to her claims, the United States is a federal, constitutional republic, not a “democracy.” Furthermore, the “unprecedented attacks” by state legislatures are merely attempts — often half-hearted — to restore election integrity after decades of increased deterioration.

Not only is Senator Manchin cosponsoring S. 2747, but he is lobbying Republican senators to support it. For example, on September 14, he met with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in an attempt to secure the latter’s support. It is imperative that Republicans stand strong and not fall for Manchin’s overtures.

If the United States is to have any semblance of free and fair elections, it is imperative that S. 2747 fail. If U.S. elections are compromised, Americans will lose the Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees as officials can disregard them without worrying about losing the next election.

The U.S. Senate, along with the House of Representatives, would be wise to oppose S. 2747 and every other bill that undermines election integrity. Instead, their members must only support legislation that strengthens election integrity and upholds the Constitution.

To urge your U.S. representative and senators to reject the misnamed “Freedom to Vote Act,” visit The John Birch Society’s legislative alert here.