In this interview, Dr. Duke Pesta discusses with regular TNA contributor Selwyn Duke about two recent articles written by the latter. The first part of the interview, Selwyn Duke discusses his article “Who Wins 2020’ Phony of the Year Award?” He explains his criteria of being an effective phony and being exulted by others, listing individuals like Hilaria Baldwin, Kamala Harris, and the winner, Anthony Fauci. Duke discusses how these individuals met his criteria. In the second part of the interview, Duke discusses his article “The State as God,” on the Biden administration’s 2021 religious liberty policies. Duke argues it is the Left’s nature to promote secularism and notes Kamala Harris’s hostility to religious liberty. He also notes the similarity between the modern Left and Communist Hungary on its stance toward religious liberty stance, and he contrasts the Biden administration’s attitude with that of the Trump administration. More broadly, Selwyn Duke discusses the fundamental differences between Christianity and Leftism.