Can future elections be secured? What can be done to secure them? In this episode of Beyond the Cover, host Gary Benoit does a follow-up interview with senior editor Rebecca Terrell, who sheds much-needed light on these questions. Rebecca is the author of a two-article cover story package in the August 29, 2022 issue of The New American: “Fraud and Future Elections” and “Securing Future Elections.” In last week’s episode of Beyond the Cover, she surveyed some of the evidence of the massive vote fraud that took place during the 2020 presidential election. In this week’s follow-up interview, she explains how election integrity can be restored.
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To read “Fraud and Future Elections” by Rebecca Terrell, click here.
To read “Securing Future Elections” by Rebecca Terrell, click here.
 To learn about and participate in The John Birch Society’s action project to “Restore Election Integrity,” click here.