Report: Impeachment Tied To Russiagate Hoax, Democrats Terrified Truth Will Surface

The hate-Trump Democrats in Congress would have us believe the president must be impeached for the phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, during which Trump supposedly sought “foreign interference” in the 2020 election.

That allegation of “foreign interference” is contained in the now-famous whisteblower’s hearsay account of the call.

But the Democrats are less worried about Trump’s soliciting “foreign interference” than they are about something else: Trump discovering the full extent of the now-famous Russiagate hoax to which Ukraine is tied.

The impeachment effort and whistleblower are misdirection to cover up the Democrats’ effort to wreck a president with their own “foreign interference,” and reverse the results of the 2016 election with the three-year campaign to destroy Trump.

Russiagate Connection
The “backdrop” of the impeachment effort “is far more complex and convoluted, connected not just to Trump’s phone call with the president of Ukraine and related evidence but the three-year war of attrition the Democrats have waged against the president,” Lee Smith wrote at Real Clear Investigations today.

“Their main instrument,” he continued, “was the Trump-Russia collusion story that roiled the capital until Special Counsel Robert Mueller pronounced it unfounded. Now they have moved on to one or more ‘whistleblower’ complaints from within the intelligence community.”

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The key whistleblower complaint, of course, is about the Trump-Zelensky call. Trump asked Zelensky not only to probe the Biden-Burisma influence peddling scandal, but also to help Attorney General William Barr in his investigation of the Trump-Russia hoax’s origins.

Trump just might find out the truth about the Trump-Russia hoax, and so with the impeachment inquiry, Smith wrote, “anti-Trump forces in the government and media are working to vindicate their previous efforts and discredit a forthcoming Justice Department inquiry into the origins of Russiagate by again connecting Trump and a foreign power to a U.S. election.”

The whistleblower’s hearsay report should be viewed through the lens of Russiagate, Smith wrote, because Ukraine, as The New American reported last week, citing John Solomon of The Hill, “was and continues to be central to the effort to take down Trump.”

The Real “Foreign Interference”
Echoing Solomon, Smith recounted the effort of political consultant Alexandra Chalupa, who sought anti-Trump dirt from the Ukrainian embassy, an effort of which the Democratic National Committee was well aware from her e-mail to DNC officials. She wanted information that would prove Trump and campaign chief Paul Manafort to be Russian agents, and the DNC didn’t pay Chalupa $71,918 for nothing.

Meanwhile, Smith wrote, “the Clinton campaign stepped up its efforts to find foreign dirt on Trump by hiring the Washington, D.C., firm Fusion GPS that March to compile and distribute opposition research on Trump. One of the company’s co-founders, Glenn Simpson, was a former Wall Street Journal reporter who had written several articles about Manafort’s work for former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.”

Fusion GPS manufactured two reports connecting Manafort and Trump to Putin via Ukraine. “Without evidence, one of the dossiers alleges that ‘the Russian government played a leading role in promoting the Yanukovych presidency and Manafort worked closely with several Russians during his time in Ukraine,’” Smith wrote. “The other makes the speculative, if ominous-sounding, claim that ‘Manafort’s newfound role as campaign manager to Trump could offer Russian oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin a new way to exert influence on Trump.’”

The Clinton campaign successfully pushed the narrative in the media that Manafort’s connection to Yanukovych was proof that Trump was pro-Putin and tied up with the Russians.

Wrote Smith, “Manafort’s relationship with Yanukovych became a keystone of the Trump-Russia narrative. A July 18, 2016 Washington Post article, for example, cited it before reporting new ‘evidence’ that the campaign was cozying up to Putin.”

“That Post story illustrates the success of the Clinton operation” in its Russian collusion disinformation campaign, Smith continued, and “erased skepticism” the media “should have had in assessing the charges leveled for Clinton through Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS.”

Steele falsely claimed that the famous Russian hack of DNC e-mails during the party’s 2016 convention was “with the full knowledge of the Trump campaign. Manafort, Steele falsely claimed, was managing the ‘well-developed conspiracy’ for the Trump side.” As well, Steele claimed, “in exchange for the DNC hack and subsequent publication of the emails by WikiLeaks, the Trump team had agreed to sideline Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a campaign issue. … This was also false.”

But the Clinton campaign and its media auxiliary ran with it to smear Trump by connecting him with Russia.

Thus does the whistleblower’s central claim merely “reboot,” as Smith put it, the Democrats’ previous false claims of “foreign interference” that became the failed Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

The truth, as TNA reported, is quite the opposite: Democrats sought foreign interference to sink Trump.

They’re terrified that truth is about to come out.

Photo: AP Images