Report: Cuomo Lieutenants Tested His Friends and Family, Then Kept Tests From Nursing-home Residents
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State legislators in New York have another accusation to scrutinize in their impeachment probe of Governor Andrew Cuomo. 

The New York Post has reported that Cuomo’s hirelings ignored a county official’s pleas to get China Virus tests for nursing homes, even as Cuomo’s relatives and friends not only received tests but also immediate results.

Cuomo’s cronies, including his brother Chris, the CNN talker, and billionaire pharma exec George Yancopoulos, received the urgent testing while the state was suffering a shortage.

Albany’s Times Union, the Washington Post, and the New York Times reported those scandals last week.

Need a Test? Fuggettaboutit

Cuomo’s people ignored Jack Wheeler, Steuben County manager, when he asked that “the state Department of Health provide enough tests for every resident and staff member of three facilities in his jurisdiction,” the Post reported:

The DOH, however, only came through with enough supplies for one of the three facilities, Hornell Gardens, with the precious diagnostic tests then hard to find, Wheeler told The Post….

“I’m furious because testing of the most vulnerable population should be the absolute priority and a simple request,” Wheeler told The Post. “But [that] high-level, connected people had that luxury when we couldn’t even get people in the nursing homes tested is just infuriating.”

Because Cuomo’s people denied the tests, Steve Acquario, executive director of the state county association, spent a work day driving across “several neighboring counties in search of spare tests to make ends meet,” the Post reported:

“I knew where there might be some extra test kits in counties where they could afford to spare them, so I met them to pick up the kits at various drop-offs,” Acquario told The Post. “[Wheeler] and his county attorney reached out to me in despair and desperation. They were truly in a crisis.”

“It was up to eight hours of driving, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.” 

The purpose of the universal testing in the homes, of course, was to find out who was positive and isolate them.

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“We had to beg, borrow, and steal basically and were able to get test kits from other counties,” Steuben County health chief Darlene Smith told the Post:

“Now knowing [that] what limited supply there was was being hoarded now for friends and family — it’s criminal. It’s just really hard to understand.”

The question, of course, is how many of Cuomo’s family and friends received tests and who they were. And, of course, did anyone die in those nursing because Cuomo’s lieutenants hoarded the tests?

The Big Lie

This latest is the fifth China Virus scandal in which Cuomo is deeply involved.

The first was his order last year to push China Virus carriers into nursing homes, a move that ended in 15,000 deaths.

The second was the lie Cuomo and his subalterns published about the number of nursing-home deaths. In July, their report claimed the number was a little more than 6,000. The real figure was 9,000.

Last week’s reports on Cuomo’s VIP testing scandal were the third and fourth. The governor’s torpedoes arranged tests not only for his family but also Yancopoulos, a crony who’s been tight as a tick with the clan since at the late 1990s.

Included in Cuomo’s Friends and Family project, again, was brother Chris. The ill-tempered leftist CNN host spent much of his time through the last four years bewailing the moral turpitude of President Trump and his supporters. When Chris Cuomo interviewed his brother on national television, they hid the abuse of power and their role in it.

Cuomo also faces more than half a dozen accusations of sexual harassment, including one from a state employee who says Cuomo grabbed her breast.