Pete Buttigieg “Bikes” to Cabinet Meeting — After SUV Drives Him Most of the Way There
Pete Buttigieg about to mount his bike (screen-grab from video)

They don’t call ‘em limousine liberals for nuthin’.

Okay, in fairness, it was an SUV in Pete Buttigieg’s case. Regardless, the openly homosexual transportation secretary can’t be feeling too gay after he was busted fudging his transportation.

That is, he wanted a photo op of his being a good little green man biking to a cabinet meeting; instead, video reveals him being driven to a point where he could just casually pedal — a little propaganda and to his destination. Who says politics isn’t performance art?

As The Federalist reports, “If you ever wondered what would happen if that white, upper-class student body president, you know the one who used your student activity fees to pay for bike lanes on campus, were actually in charge of a federal bureaucracy, look no further than…Pete Buttigieg.”

“CNN reporter DJ Judd shared a video that appears to show a team of Secret Service agents unloading Buttigieg’s bike from the back of an SUV, then at least two SUVs following him as he mounts the bike and rides to the White House” (video below), the site continued.

Of course, biker Buttigieg did this because he “cares so much” about the environment and wants “so badly” to set a good example. Here’s the kicker: Pedaling Pete, who recently proposed taxing American motorists by the mile, was driven to his photo op’s starting point in a gas-guzzling Chevy Suburban. You can’t make this stuff up.

(Or maybe you can.)

Unsurprisingly, Pete’s pedal pretense was roundly mocked. “‘Caught in the act,’ said right wing author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza on Twitter,” relates the New York Post.

“‘Pete Buttigieg has a history of gimmicky stunts, just for show, like doing a desk job on a military base for a few weeks, then trying to pose as a combat veteran. Now this phony stunt.’ added radio host Mark Simone,” the paper continued.

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I myself wouldn’t mock Pedaling Pete; I’d just call him the Rosie Ruiz of green sacrifice — though he might now be getting some plaudits if, like Rosie (who faked her Boston Marathon win), he’d just taken a subway.

Also not surprising is that Buttigieg’s little episode is being largely ignored by the mainstream media even though, as Gateway Pundit noted, it would be headlines for a month if a Republican ever thus transgressed.

But perhaps it’s easy for the left-wing media to ignore such hypocrisy because, well, it’s their fellow travelers’ status quo. Just consider, for example, how Governor Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.), mask- and lockdown-champion extraordinaire, was caught last November — smack in the middle of the pandemic — without a mask and not social distancing, and in a group larger than regulations allowed, at high-end restaurant The French Laundry (pictures below).

By the way, Newsom is the governor who actually put on his official twitter page that if at a restaurant, we citizens should put on our masks between bites (seriously).

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was also caught maskless, in a hair salon last August (video below). She later brazenly claimed it was a “set-up.”

Oh, this is the woman who’d said less than two months earlier that a federal mask mandate is “long overdue.”

Examples of leftist hypocrisy are legion, in fact, but my last one won’t involve anyone famous. Rather, it concerns the Dumbo (“Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass”) neighborhood in New York City’s borough of Brooklyn, which in 2015 was called “the Capitol of Liberal Hypocrisy” when its liberal yuppie residents were up in arms over a plan to racially integrate their kids’ schools (LOL).

The money line: One “progressive” parent actually said, “It’s more complicated when it’s about your own children.” (Now, now, watch that schadenfreude, naughty reader!)

It’s easy mocking such hypocrites, and as Saul “the Red” Alinsky might have pointed out, it also has strategic value. But what the hypocrisy enables is no laughing matter.  

For it’s easy being idealistic when you don’t have to live with your ideals. Of little consequence are “gun control” laws when you’re protected by an armed detail; lockdowns when you’re not subject to its restrictions and wealth-destroying effects; and nation-rending (im)migration schemes when your own wealthy, insulated neighborhoods ever look like 1954.

And, no, it’s not your imagination telling you leftists embody hypocrisy. The reasons for this are: A, their policies are completely unrealistic; B, these left-wingers are low-virtue individuals; and C, which is related to B, they’re relativistic, haughty, self-deified people who fancy that they’re so important, and their task is so great and good, that the rules needn’t apply to them.

They believe in “equity” alright: One standard for themselves, another for the hoi polloi — i.e., you and me.