Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Enjoy your First Amendment right to disagree with leftists or the U.S. government while you can. 

If pro-Ukraine leftists get their way, anyone who is “pro-Putin” or “takes Russia’s side” in its war against Ukraine must be silenced — and jailed.

Frighteningly, that opinion gurgled out of the brain pan of a lawyer, CNN gabber Ana Navarro. She uttered the silly opinion on The View, the program that permits five professional Karens to bellyache about everything they hate.

More frighteningly, it appears that a U.S. senator agrees. Utah’s Mitt Romney accused Tulsi Gabbard of treason, because she has questions about U.S. biolabs in Ukraine

“I Said What I Said”

The opinion came out when the ladies on The View hated on Gabbard and Tucker Carlson, who argue against the war in Ukraine.

“I think the DOJ, in the same way that it is setting up a task force to investigate oligarchs, should look into people who are Russian propagandists and shilling for Putin,” Navarro said. “That’s being, if you are a foreign asset of — to a dictator, it should be investigated.”

Not to be outdone, Whoopi Goldberg offered this remarkable rejoinder:

They used to arrest people for doing stuff like this. If they thought you were colluding with a Russian agent, if they thought you were putting out information or taking information and handing it over to Russia, they used to actually investigate stuff like this. And I guess now, you know, there seems to be no bars.

Maybe Navarro was absent the day they went over the First Amendment in law school. That said, The View’s termagants offered no proof that either Gabbard of Carlson have broken the law.

“I said what I said,” she fumed on Twitter after the clip with the ridiculous remarks went viral.

Two more tweets followed. She wants those with foreign policy opinions that differ from her own put down as foreign agents.

“Foreign Agent Registration Act requires Americans acting as foreign agents to register and file reports detailing activities on behalf of the foreign government,” she continued:

Hell yes, we should find out if US Putin propagandists are acting as unregistered foreign agents in violation of law.

“IT IS THE LAW,” she warned:

Foreign Agents Registration Act is a law requiring persons engaged in domestic political or advocacy work on behalf of foreign principals to register with the Department of Justice and disclose their relationship, activities, and related financial compensation.

Of course, Navarro has no proof that either Gabbard or Carlson are foreign agents for the simple reason that they aren’t. 

Gabbard Is “Treasonous”

Romney attacked Gabbard with a despicable lie.

“Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives” he tweeted.

Gabbard, a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve who deployed to Iraq in 2004, had discussed, again, the U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

In a Twitter thread, Gabbard said Romney should prove she’s a liar — or resign.

@MittRomney, you have called me a ‘treasonous liar’ for stating the fact that “there are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release & spread deadly pathogens to US/world” and therefore must be secured in order to prevent new pandemics.

Bizarrely, you claim that securing these labs (or even calling for securing these labs) is treasonous and will lead to a loss of life, when the exact opposite is obviously true. The spread of pathogens is what will cause the loss of life, not the prevention of such spread.

Senator Romney, please provide evidence that what I said is untrue and treasonous. If you cannot, you should do the honorable thing: apologize and resign from the Senate.

Graciously, Gabbard, who joined the Army when she was state legislator in Hawaii, did not remind everyone that Romney received four draft deferments to duck service in Vietnam. He also had a “31-month stretch as a ‘minister of religion’ in France,” the Boston Globe reported when he ran for president, “a classification for Mormon missionaries that the church at the time feared was being overused.”

If and when Navarro will return to law school for a refresher course on the First Amendment is unknown.

H/T: The Federalist