Omar Funneling Money to Husband’s Campaign Consultancy, Wants America Dismantled

Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), the Somali Muslim radical who says the oppressive American economy and society at large must be dismantled, is indirectly lining her pockets with campaign contributions.

The payments were disclosed last year, and despite a complaint to the Federal Election Commission, the refugee-turned-hate-America-Democrat-congresswoman “has continued quietly funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to her new husband’s consulting film,” the New York Post reported yesterday.

As a practical matter, that means Omar is the beneficiary as well.

Total so far? Nearly $1 million.

Almost $1M to Mynett
Omar’s husband is Tim Mynett, the Democrat political consultant she married after wrecking his marriage and dumping her own husband.

Reported the Post, the official complaints about Omar’s self-dealing “doesn’t appear to have stopped the now-married couple, with Mynett’s E Street Group collecting $292,814.99 from his wife’s campaign this year for digital advertising, fundraising consulting and research services, according to the Federal Election Commission filings.”

Omar’s campaign pumped almost $200,000 into Mynett’s consultancy in March alone.

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Mynett has collected $878,930.65 from the leftist congresswoman’s campaign since 2018, the year he began the work.

Unsurprisingly, the company owned by the man with whom she sleeps is her campaign’s biggest client, the Post reported. E Street Group is raking in 33 percent of the campaign’s spending.

Technically, the Post observed, the arrangement is legal. But it shouldn’t be, an expert told the tabloid:

“It should not be allowed,” said attorney Richard W. Painter, who served as chief ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush White House.

“I think it’s a horrible idea to allow it, given the amount of money that goes into these campaigns from special interests,” he continued….

“We already have enough problems with gifts to campaigns as a quid pro quo for political action,” he said.

Said another expert, “There’s a long line of abuses in this regard where members of Congress will hire family members and pay their family members to do ‘campaign work’ in order to supplement the family income.”

Omar Hates America
Omar repeatedly denied any carnal high jinks with Mynett when accounts of the pair’s adultery went viral, and she also denied that she married her brother to commit immigration fraud.

But she can’t deny that her campaign has paid Mynett, whom she married in March, a small fortune.

That said, the radical leftist — rescued from a Somali refugee camp at the expense of the American taxpayer — says America as we know it must be destroyed, Fox News reported.

“We can’t stop at criminal justice reform or policing reform,” she said yesterday. “We are not merely fighting to tear down the systems of oppression in the criminal justice system. We are fighting to tear down systems of oppression that exist in housing, in education, in health care, in employment, [and] in the air we breathe.”

Omar would “guarantee homes for all,” Fox reported, because blacks, relative to whites, don’t own enough homes.

Worse still, she would wreck the American economy.

“As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality,” the angry African immigrant said. “So we cannot stop at [the] criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.”

The remarks did not impress Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Fox reported.

“Ilhan Omar took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution, not shred it,” Blackburn tweeted. “Omar and her Marxist comrades are a threat to our Democracy. Omar should resign.”

In March, as The New American reported, Omar said the government should seize U.S. hospitals until the Chinese Virus Pandemic is over. “Here is maybe a radical idea to deal with some of the pressures our healthcare system is facing,” she wrote. “All private hospitals should be made public for the duration of the virus.”

In 2017, she peddled the lie that American forces in Somalia in 1993 — sent to crush Somali warlord Mohammed Farah Aidid — were terrorists who killed “thousands” of Somalis in a single day.

The Somali refugee’s tweet was a lie.

 Photo: AP Images

R. Cort Kirkwood is a long-time contributor to The New American and a former newspaper editor.