New Polling Shows America Becoming Less Liberal

Over the last five years, the number of voters identifying themselves as “liberal” has dropped from more than a third to just a quarter, according to Morning Consult. This international polling firm surveys tens of thousands of people every day to get their opinion on everything from the Wells Fargo fraud to politics.

In 2017, 34 percent of those polled claimed they were either “very liberal,” “liberal,” or “somewhat liberal.” Five years later, that number has dropped to 27 percent, a 20 percent decline. As Eli Yokley, a senior reporter at Morning Consult, expressed it: “The left is losing the battle for the minds of the American electorate.”

The shift is happening across nearly every demographic. The share of black Republicans identifying themselves as “conservative” jumped from 37 percent to 58 percent, while Hispanic Republicans declaring themselves as conservative rose from 48 percent to 66 percent.

The share of young people — ages 18-34 — who identify themselves as liberal has dropped more than any other age group. And, even more surprising, the share of Democrats identifying themselves as liberal dropped from 60 percent to 55 percent.

Buried in the study was additional cause for optimism: The share of those who declared themselves as “moderate” in their politics, along with those who really don’t know what they are, has grown from 30 percent to 35 percent.

That’s the third of the electorate who typically carry the day in elections. If efforts to educate that large swath of moderates or “don’t knows” back to America’s founding principles are even modestly successful, then the American Republic has an increasingly favorable chance of being restored.

The jump in homeschooling during the Covid-inspired public-school shutdowns is cause for optimism. Best estimates are that, before Covid, about three percent of school-age children were being homeschooled. During the shutdown that percentage jumped to nearly 20 percent, and has fallen back only slightly since then.

On average, homeschoolers not only learn better (outpacing their compatriots in public schools), but also are more politically active once they graduate. And most homeschool agendas reflect Americanist values.

One of the key players in the campaign to educate on Americanism is The John Birch Society. And one of its most effective tools is “Overview of America,” hosted by John McManus, former president of the Society.

It clarifies, in less than 30 minutes, just what “liberal” and “conservative” labels really mean — or don’t mean. The presentation also lays to rest the false narrative of “right” and “left” in politics.

The shift in voters’ attitudes reported by Morning Consult is a welcome sign. It reflects not only the “awakening” of many to the threat of tyranny stalking the nation, but also the decades of real education on why America is unique in all of human history. More and more people are seeing through the false promises of liberals, who, according to Merriam-Webster’s definition, “believe that government should be active in supporting social and political change,” and conservatives, who only “want lower taxes and more personal freedom.”

The war for freedom is far more than that, though, and it’s encouraging that some who used to call themselves liberal are backing away from the label because of the dangerous and freedom-threatening policies being imposed on the country in that name.