Left Turns Its Anti-Trump Hatred on First Lady

The Trump-hating Left has unleashed its wrath against the first lady after her comment in an interview with ABC’s Tom Llamas that while she supports the #MeToo movement, women who make allegations of sexual harassment and assault against men need to include some solid evidence to back up the charges.

“I do stand with women, but we need to show the evidence,” the first lady told Llamas in an October 10 interview. “You cannot just say to somebody, ‘I was sexually assaulted,’ or ‘you did that to me.’ Because sometimes the media goes too far, and the way they portray some stories, it’s not correct. It’s not right.”

Llamas went on to ask Mrs. Trump about her opinion of #MeToo, the runaway movement that has the media championing any female (and sometimes male) public figure who charges a man (and an occasional woman) with sexual assault, often with little substantive evidence to back the charges.

“What is your take about the #MeToo movement?” queried Llamas. “Do you believe in them? Do you support the #MeToo movement?” To which the first lady replied: “I support the women, and they need to be heard. We need to support them and also men, not just women.”

Alluding to the flurry of unsubstantiated and uncorroborated charges against Supreme Court nominee (and now Justice) Brett Kavanaugh, Llamas asked the first lady: “Do you think men in the news that have been accused of sexual assault have been treated unfairly?” Mrs. Trump responded that “we need to have hard evidence.”

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Predictably, the response by the Left to the first lady’s comments got nasty in a hurry. “It’s official … I despise @FLOTUS as much as I do @realdonaldtrump,” tweeted anti-Trump blogger, self-proclaimed “political and pop culture analyst,” and occasional Huffington Post contributor Andy Ostroy.

Similarly, “award-winning journalist and political blogger” Imani Mandy Corn tweeted about the first lady and the president: “Just in case you were wondering, the entire family is trash.”

And writing in the American Independent, Kaili Joy Gray, an ultra-leftist blogger and one-time communications director with Planned Parenthood Action Fund, cordially invited the first lady to “shut up” concerning her opinions on sexual assault.

“While Melania Trump claims to support the women who have come forward in the #MeToo movement, she — like her husband and the rest of the Republican Party — thinks women should stay silent unless they have ‘hard evidence’ to prove they have been assaulted,” Gray conveniently mis-represented Mrs. Trump in her op-ed. She went on to write that Mrs. Trump’s “absurd requirement that survivors provide ‘really hard evidence’ before coming forward with allegations is unrealistic, offensive, and an obvious attack on the multiple women who have come forward with their stories of assault.”

One particularly offensive sound bite came from unabashed anti-Trump bigot Yvette Nicole Brown. Appearing on the daily women’s talk show The View, Brown took great pains to discount Mrs. Trump and her views, noting that the first lady “has an orange horse in the race [a reference to Trump and his “orange” complexion], and her orange horse has been accused by at least seventeen women.”

Brown went on to trash the first lady with the observation that “this is also the same woman in the midst of what happened in Puerto Rico wore a jacket that said, ‘I really don’t care, do you?’ So when she threw down that gauntlet I’ve decided not to care about anything she says from now on…. She is not the woman to say anything to me or any other woman about MeToo, Time’s Up, Black Lives Matter. I’m not listening to her about anything she has to say.”

Ironically, tone-deaf leftist mouthpieces such as Brown were the very ones for whom Mrs. Trump wore the message on her jacket when she visited children in Texas who had been separated from their parents, as she explained in her interview with Llamas. Mrs. Trump told Llamas that the message, “I really don’t care, do you?” was directed toward “people and the left-wing media who are criticizing me,” adding that their non-stop attack of both her and President Trump would not dissuade her from doing “what I feel is right.”

Photo: AP Images