Left Starting to Eat its Own? Dem Accuses Pelosi, Schumer of Racism

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), devoted liberals both, are “racist.” That’s according to leftist CNN political commentator Angela Rye (D-Media), shown, who condemned the two gerontocrats for criticizing Maxine Waters’ (D-Calif.) call for the harassment of Trump officials. It’s reflective of the rise of a more radical “new Left,” which threatens both the old guard’s power and our nation itself.

The new Left is just like the old Left — only more so. It’s epitomized by Tuesday’s upset victory in New York’s 14th district, where 28-year-old avowed socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated the favored 20-year incumbent, House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.), by a wide margin. Interestingly, Cortez played the race card against Crowley, sending the message that no one should vote for an old white guy. She even retweeted the picture of an attorney who expressed the sentiment that “all white people are racist.” (She certainly knows something about white people. She was surrounded by them in wealthy Yorktown Heights, New York, which is where, contrary to her “Bronx girl” image, she spent most of her formative years.)

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Perhaps Cortez should be asked if Pelosi and Schumer — and other white Democrats — are “racist,” since they’re part of “all white people.” Regardless, Donald Trump, Jr. noted the internecine Democrat strife and tweeted: “You know the Democrats are having a bad week when they start calling each other racists instead of just using that term for anything or anyone they disagree with politically.”

What Rye literally said, during a CNN panel discussion Thursday with Steve Cortes of the Trump re-election Advisory Council, is that the Pelosi/Schumer criticism “has everything to do with the fact that this Black woman [Waters] is intimidating to some people who can’t handle the truth. It has everything to do with race’” (video below).


Rye no doubt believes her own folderol, as people often project their own obsessions onto others. For people generally don’t recognize obsessions as obsessions, that the object of their fixation is only all-important to them. They naturally assume that it is so objectively (otherwise, why would they fixate on it?), so it must be important to others, too. This is why the greedy so often ascribe avarice to their fellow man and sex maniacs suppose that everyone else is also a pervert.

In keeping with this, however, Rye’s accusations are a projection of her own sins. This brings us to the proper response: “No, you are the ‘racist’ because you’re only making these accusations against me because I’m white.” It not only is rhetorically effective and can cut off the “racism” ploy at the knees, but it also happens to be true.

Some claim that this Democrat infighting means the Left is in trouble, and this may be true insofar as the November midterms go. But the longer term is a different story, as leftists control the culture shapers — the media, academia, and entertainment — and politics is downstream of culture.

What’s actually occurring is that history is repeating itself. The Left, insatiably rapacious, has always eaten it own. Its birth during the French Revolution was followed by the “Reign of Terror,” in which, ultimately, other leftists were put under the guillotine as well. In fact, this fate was visited upon even the father of the revolution himself, Maximilien Robespierre.

This theme would be repeated, notably in the Soviet Union. Brutal tyrant Joseph Stalin, who murdered approximately 20 million people, once vowed, “[We will destroy every] enemy, even if he was an old Bolshevik; we will destroy all his kin, his family.” He kept his word, even to the point of having agents travel to Mexico to assassinate a main author of the Soviet takeover of Russia, Leon Trotsky. Below is a video of Soviet defector and ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov discussing how Marxists always destroy other leftists.

Leftists often end up being consumed by the monsters they help create because a left-winger is the quintessential person who marries the spirit of the age and, as author William Ralph Inge put it, finds “himself a widower in the next.” Being relativists unmoored from the unchanging and thus having not principles but preferences, leftists’ goalposts ever shift. So today’s cutting-edge liberals can be on tomorrow’s cutting block, having fallen out of fashion. The progressives may end up “regressives,” and even if they do change with the times, can find themselves condemned merely for having a past that didn’t measure up to the ideological present.

For this reason, we should never confuse leftist infighting with leftist implosion. It’s more like a raging inferno that first consumes what’s closest to it but, if not extinguished, will soon bring a fiery hell to every doorstep.

Image of Angela Rye: Screenshot from angelarye.com