Latest Rasmussen Poll: Trump Ahead of Biden Among Male Voters

When Scott Rasmussen tried to explain the reasons behind Trump’s sudden jump in the polls among male voters, he suggested it was “a positive response … to the president’s speech at Mount Rushmore ….[with] many Republicans consider[ing] it a strong appeal to unity. The new numbers may also be partly in response … to media criticism of the president.”

The jump in quesdtion is significant. A month ago, according to Rasmussen’s polling, Biden led Trump among men by nine percent. In the Rasmussen poll taken last week, Trump now leads Biden by two points, a turnaround of 11 points in a month.

While Rasmussen could be correct in his explanation for this sudden shift, he might be missing some of the real reasons.

At the moment, according to, Biden holds a nine-point lead over Trump nationally, and leads in all five of the so-called battleground states as well: Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Arizona. Betting sites also give Biden the advantage, 58-37. And in the Electoral College, RCP has Biden with 222 votes and Trump with just 115.

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But behind those numbers, the political scenario is shifting in favor of the president. Consider the reversal of left-wing Democrat civil-rights attorney Leo Terrell. Two weeks ago, he tweeted, “If the presidential election was held today, I would vote for Donald Trump. America is more important than party loyalty.”

He added:

Joe Biden is unqualified to lead this country in the current state. Questions about #police violence? Look at what Joe Biden has NOT done for the last 24 years.

I am asking law and order Democrats to leave the party. Black Lives Matter and Socialists have hijacked the party. It is no longer the party of JFK.

Please American Democrats — Do not give Joe Biden & Democrat mayors your vote. They are pandering to the black vote & just playing politics.

When he appeared on Life, Liberty & Levin on Sunday, Terrell expanded on his reasons:

I have 30 years invested as a Civil Rights attorney, public school teacher as you mentioned, and I’m frustrated and disappointed in the Democratic Party and the left.

I mean, it really started a couple of weeks ago when Joe Biden made that comment, that awful comment, that insulting comment that if you vote Republican, “you ain’t black.”

I’m a Civil Rights attorney. That statement was condescending and insulted every African-American, and every American.

And then you follow up with a series of protesting, which is perfectly okay, but the failure of a Democratic Party to call out the rioting, the looting, the murder is just something that I, as a Civil Rights attorney could no longer sit and just basically stay quiet.

And then there is the enormous increase in the number of background checks for firearm purchases being reported by the FBI. From March to June, the agency processed nearly eight million of them. In June alone, background checks were 136 percent ahead of a year ago, the highest the FBI has ever recorded. Furthermore, gun dealers are reporting that 40 percent of those purchasing firearms are first-time buyers.

In New York City on Monday, 17 people were shot, an “astronomical number” according to one high-ranking Brooklyn police officer. That followed a recent 15-hour stretch in the Big Apple, from midday Saturday into Sunday, when another 15 people were shot.

Add in demands for defunding the police and the average American is beginning to realize that his personal safety is up to him and not up to the police.

Speaking of defunding the police, the president is making hay over Biden’s support for it. At an event at the White House on Monday, President Trump skewered Biden:

If that’s what you want for a country, you probably have to vote for Sleepy Joe Biden, because he doesn’t know what’s happening.

The radical politicians are waging war on innocent Americans. That’s what you’re doing when you play with the police. My administration is pro-safety, pro-police, and anti-crime.

The Trump campaign picked up on the “law and order” theme resonating with voters. On Monday night it released this:

Joe Biden recently stated that police officers have “become the enemy” and shamefully gave his support to redirecting funds away from law enforcement.

As violent crime continues to rise in Democrat-controlled cities, Joe Biden has completely abandoned the police — leaving Americans unprotected in their own country. In recent months, Joe Biden has aligned himself with radical socialists like AOC and the “Squad,” who recently introduced legislation to defund law enforcement entirely.

If Scott Rasmussen is right about the shift of male voters to Trump, then RCP polling should shortly begin to reflect it. According to Rasmussen, Trump also gained 13 points among independents in his poll.

 Photo: AP Images

An Ivy League graduate and former investment advisor, Bob is a regular contributor to The New American, writing primarily on economics and politics. He can be reached at

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