Kathleen Winn is running in the Republican primary in Arizona’s 6th Congressional District. She is running against the incumbent Juan Ciscomani, who has a disgraceful lifetime score of 50 percent on The John Birch Society’s Freedom Index.

For instance, he recently voted to continue reckless federal spending and debt accumulation by supporting the Bipartisan Debt-Limit Deal, which is a recipe for economic catastrophe.

During this Congress he has also voted against limiting the powers of the Environmental Protection Agency over the domestic energy sector, and against terminating the Department of Education.

Winn says that this kind of RINO republicanism is offensive. As a wife, mother and grandmother, and as an experienced professional in both private and public sectors, she knows that current Washington policies are leading our country into chaos, and she wants to turn that around.

One of her top goals is to return our government to one that adheres to the Constitution. Border security and election integrity are also among her top priorities.

Kathleen is host of the weekday WINN Tucson talk radio show on KVOI the Voice. She is also the executive director of Project 25, a non-profit organization that she started in 2015. It is dedicated to ending human trafficking by 2025.