Justice Department Website Redesigned; Features Globalist Quote
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Given its recent quest to overturn the sovereignty of the states, and the sovereignty of the people, it is not surprising to learn that the Department of Justice is re-branding itself in a manner that makes its efforts seem even more menacing.

In a move certain to elicit questions of motive, the Department of Justice has changed its website. Formerly, the DoJs website featured a red, white, and blue banner with the name of the agency and the seal. Simple. A bit predictable, but simple.

Now, the banner is black and white with a quote:

“The common law is the will of mankind, issuing from the life of the people.”

On its face, this makeover would be unremarkable. While the history of the destruction of our republic instructs us that an insidious organization like the Department of Justice would likely rather shroud its attacks on the Constitution behind a flag, the starkness of the new darker image seems too consistent with its genuine attitude.

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Adoption of a new color scheme is curious, but it is the choice of quotation that is most unsettling.

Who spoke the words now proclaimed on the website of an agency of the United States government? The author of that statement is C. Wilfred Jenks.

Not exactly a household name. According to information published by the American Spectator online, Jenks, as director of the ILO is credited with putting in place the first Soviet senior member of the UN organization.

Jenks was no rank-and-file lawyer at the U.N., though. In the 1930s he was the director-general of the International Labour Organization (ILO). There is much more instructive information on Jenks from his biography published on the ILO website:

Wilfred Jenks had the main responsibility for many years for the ILO’s activities in regard to international labour standards and human rights, and he played a major role in devising the diversified machinery for ensuring compliance with these standards. He helped to establish close working relations between the UN agencies, expanded ILO activities in Latin America, Asia and Africa, and helped to develop the Programme of Industrial Activities and the ILO’s procedures for safeguarding the rights of workers and employers to establish and join organisations of their own choosing. His profound knowledge of the Organisation served him well in this task, and he remained a firm advocate of human rights, the rule of law, tripartism and the moral authority of the ILO in international problems.

He was one of the international advisers to the American Law Institute on the drafting of its Statement of Essential Human Rights, one of the texts which served as a basis for drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Hows that for an impressive internationalist curriculum vitae?

So, instead of choosing one of the innumerable inspiring quotes about justice and rights spoken by one of the Founders of our republic, the Department of Justice elected to promote the words of one of the founders of an international law organization whose chief aim is the obliteration of national sovereignty and the imposition of global standards of undefined human rights regardless of the will of the people.

As for the proposition that perhaps another design scheme might have been preferable the article in the Spectator reports:

Suggestions to highlight quotes from the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights or quotes from the Founders, the Federalist Papers or prominent American jurists were quickly shot down by the Department of Justice’s media and new media teams, according to DOJ sources familiar with the design process, and the White House communications shop was given input to the overall design as well.

It will be worthwhile to monitor the web presence of other departments of the Obama Administration to see if they follow Justices lead. The globalist source material is ripe for the picking. And, given the incomprehensible size of the bureaucracy, socialist web designers should start updating their rsums.