Judge Roy Moore Gaining Momentum Going into Alabama Senate Runoff

Kentucky Republican Representative Thomas Massie is just the latest in an increasingly large number of supporters of Roy Moore, giving him his strong endorsement on Tuesday. Said Massie, “Roy Moore has more political spine than anyone I know,” adding:

He has twice chosen to lose his job rather than compromise his principles. He is a man willing to stand up to the out of control courts and help us return to the limited government outlined in our Constitution. I give him my full support and look forward to having him as a stalwart colleague in the Senate.

Moore would rather keep his integrity than his job. Taking such a position has cost him his job, twice. The first time was when Moore, serving as a judge on the state’s Supreme Court, erected a monument to the Ten Commandments at the Alabama State Supreme Court building and then refused to remove it when ordered to do so. The second time followed his ordering of county clerks to refuse the granting of marriage licenses to same-sex couples, contravening a Supreme Court ruling which he considers unconstitutional.

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In an interview with Alex Newman at The New American, Moore explained why. The Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges is “just the law applied to a case, to a specific set of circumstances … when people said it was the supreme law of the land, they neglect what the definition of the Supreme Law of the Land is [the Constitution].”

Others agreeing with Moore because of his constitutional stance and his backbone include martial arts champion and actor Chuck Norris, Phil Robertson of the Duck Dynasty TV show, Rep. Mark Meadows (the head of the House Freedom Caucus), Gun Owners of America (GOA) chairman Tim Macy, National Association of Gun Rights (NAGR) president Dudley Brown, Maryland Republican Rep. Andy Harris (also a member of the House Freedom Caucus), Fox News commentator Sean Hannity, former governor Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, the Senate Conservatives Fund, radio commentator Mark Levin, former ambassador Alan Keyes and founder of Focus on the Family James Dobson.

The polls are lining up behind Moore as well. Real Clear Politics’ average of four polls show him leading his opponent Luther Strange (who was appointed to Jeff Sessions’ seat in the Senate after Sessions was named Trump’s attorney general) by double digits. Other polls, like Opinion Savvy, Emerson College Poll and Strategic National, show Moore ahead by 15 points going into the runoff election scheduled for September 26.

This despite Moore facing a massive funding advantage for his opponent, thanks to establishment Republicans such as Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose Senate Leadership Fund has poured more than $10 million into Strange’s campaign to keep Moore from replacing Sessions in the Senate. According to the latest Federal Election Commission reports, Strange has a six-to-one funding advantage over Moore, but all to no avail.

One advantage that Moore has is one that can’t be bought: He has been savaged by all the right enemies, including McConnell, along with the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Karl Rove’s Senate Leadership Fund, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Council of Alabama, and — surprisingly — the National Rifle Association.

One avowed enemy, the left-liberal Salon magazine, actually got its attack on Moore correct: Moore is a “radical.” Wrote Matthew Sheffield, “If you think Trump is radical, wait until you seen who the GOP is likely to nominate in Alabama!” Added Sheffield:

Roy Moore … is perhaps the best embodiment of just how radicalized the Republican Party has become in recent years…. President Donald Trump seems to have radicalized the conservative base in ways that have benefited Moore immensely.

Sheffield should have checked his dictionary: Radical is defined by Merriam-Webster as “designed to remove the root of a disease or all diseased and potentially diseased tissue — i.e., radical surgery; radical mastectomy.” And Moore is certainly aware of the problem: The cancer of collectivism and deliberate ignorance of the Constitution have combined to infect the body politic with a potentially fatal disease: the loss of liberty.

As Moore himself noted when he received the endorsement from Rep. Andy Harris:

I thank Congressman Harris for his support. The principled men in Washington who are fighting for limited government and for real conservative change are coming together to support our campaign. They are fighting in the trenches and to them I say “help is on the way.”

The runoff election slated for September 26 will select the GOP candidate to run against Democratic candidate Doug Jones in December.

Photo of Judge Roy Moore: AP Images

An Ivy League graduate and former investment advisor, Bob is a regular contributor to The New American magazine and blogs frequently at LightFromTheRight.com, primarily on economics and politics. He can be reached at badelmann@thenewamerican.com.

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In Senate Race, Alabama Judge Moore Takes on D.C. Establishment