President Joe Biden pledges continued U.S. support of Ukraine in Russian conflict, while Putin counters by suspending nuclear New START agreement. Americans react with anti-war rally in Washington D.C.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy earns Democratic ire, handing 44,000 hours of J6 footage over to Fox News. Meanwhile, the House Oversight Committee is ramping up Hunter Biden investigations.

Post-Covid jab birth rates are nosediving, while George Soros and Bill Gates are making plans to block out the sun. Rebecca Terrell and Daniel Natal discuss these headlines.

Later in the program, we re-visit the “Rage Against the War Machine!” rally in Washington, D.C. with TNA senior editor Veronika Kyrylenko.

Christian Gomez and Peter Rykowski bring us legislative updates from Capitol Hill and various States.

And Leah Southwell, Program Manager for The John Birch Society, joins us to talk about the demise of Chile’s constitution, and what is in store for this country if we do not vigilantly guard our own founding document.

The New American TV is dedicated to bringing you the Truth Behind the News. Join us each weekday at 3:00 p.m. Eastern at wvwtv.com/live https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv and at TheNewAmerican.com at 5 p.m. Eastern.