J6 Committee Spent Half of Budget on Salaries. Staffers Earning Almost $16K/month
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The House committee that is investigating the mostly peaceful protest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 appears to be a get-rich scam for the staffers.

The Select Committee, which is trying to criminalize opposition to the Biden administration and the Democratic Party, paid more than $500,000 in salaries in April, with some staffers earning more than $15,000 a month — almost $200,000 annually.

And more than half the committee’s $3.8 million budget has gone to salaries.

Staffers and Salaries

April’s report shows 51 staff members who pulled down $528,769, an average of $10,368 per month per employee. Annual salary at that rate would be $124,416.

Timothy Heaphy, a federal prosecutor who exposed the corruption inside Charlottesville, Virginia’s, police department that led to violence at 2017’s Unite the Right Rally, earns $15,666.67 per month, or $188,000 annually.

Two stop staffers earn $15,666, while another earns $15,416.

Another two earn $14,491, two earn $14,166, and so on.

Year to date, the staffers have earned $1.99 million and change. That’s 52 percent of the committee’s $3.8 million budget.

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That’s a lot of money to spend on a snipe hunt. But leftist House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her committee henchman, Mississippi Democrat Bennie Thompson, will spare no expense to demonize Trump supporters as “insurrectionists” who threatened “democracy.”

Such was the hysteria that President Biden said the events of January 6 were “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

When court historian Michael Beschloss tweeted hearty agreement, Glenn Greenwald asked a few simple questions:

January 6 was worse than 9/11?

Or Pearl Harbor?

Or the Oklahoma City bombing? Or the dismantling of civil liberties in the name of the Cold War and War on Terror? Or the mass surveillance program secretly and illegally implemented by NSA aimed at US citizens? 

Completely unhinged drama queen script to say that about Jan 6.

How about the War on Drugs, mass incarceration and Jim Crow? Were those worse “attacks on democracy” than the 3-hour Capitol riot on Jan. 6?

The assassination of JFK? The interference in domestic politics by the CIA? The list of worse attacks than Jan. 6 is endless.

Thompson’s Pals

Those are good questions that deserve another.

Was it worse than the insurrectionist violence that Thompson supported in 1971, when his pals in the Republic of New Africa movement killed a cop and tried to start a war of secession?

As The New American reported when Pelosi picked Thompson to run the committee, RNA wanted to wage war to separate Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina from the United States. The group had established a record of violence before Thompson began backing them.

RNA members murdered a cop when police tried to serve a warrant on their headquarters. They also blew the arm off of another, and shot an FBI agent.

“The front door of the house had a booby trap that was set to explode when the door was opened,” The New York Times reported at the time. “They found ‘a Vietcong-type bunker and a tunnel with firing ports’ in back of the house.”

But Thompson participated in a news conference where other insurrection supporters defended RNA and blamed police for the cop-killing.

As well, Thompson campaigned on behalf of the group’s former vice president when he ran for mayor of Jackson.

When the House will investigate Thompson’s activities on behalf of the RNA murderers is uknown.

H/T: Steven Cheung (@CaliforniaPanda)