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Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

“The goal of socialism is communism” — Vladimir Lenin

The fact that Lenin was correct can be seen in the direction of the Democrat Party. And the answers West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin gave in a recent interview with the New York Times reveal that the Democratic Party has reached a watershed moment, and its members must ask themselves, “How long will non-socialist/communist Democrats be able to survive as Democrats?”

Q: What do you make of the election results overall?

A: I just can’t believe that 72 million people were either that mad or that scared of the Democrat Party to vote for what I consider a very flawed individual. Here’s a person who lost 230,000 lives under his watch, basically denounced the science completely because it might hurt him politically, has a lack of compassion or empathy for humans, and denigrates anybody and everybody that does not agree with him. How 72 million people could still walk in and say, ‘Yeah, it’s better than that,’ I just can’t figure it out.

Q: Why do you think West Virginia and the rural areas have gone so red?

A: I can tell you what they said: ‘Listen, I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for another Democrat that might give support to the very liberal wing in Washington that I don’t agree with and have nothing in common with. I don’t have anything in common with people who talk about defunding the police. It looks like they’re condoning riots.’ There’s not a member in the Democratic caucus that condones any of this violence or riots or looting. None.

I just would hope that people would start looking at the person that they’re voting for and not the party they belong to. A Democrat who’s a moderate-conservative like myself is much needed to bring other people to that moderate position.

Manchin’s observations should confirm what many have felt for years, the Democratic Party of JFK is officially dead, with the party of Mao Tse-tung, Saul Alinsky, and Assata Shakur rising from its ashes. He ponders how 72 million people (and perhaps, many millions more) could vote for a very “flawed individual.” He then answers his musings with the accurate statement that the liberal wing of the Democratic Party doesn’t “have anything in common with people who talk about defunding the police. It looks like they’re condoning riots.”

Manchin stresses that with seats the Democrats lost in the House and the potential for a Republican majority in the Senate, both parties will have to work with the few remaining moderates to pass any legislation. Stated: “I think we have a golden opportunity to bring the country back together and for us to work in the middle.”

Perhaps Manchin is trying to walk to the beat of a different drum in the Borg Collective Party. He may no longer be in his party’s cross hairs on abortion, having long ago flipped from a pro-life candidate to an anti-life senator in a party controlled by anti-life zealots. But he drew the ire of the progressives in his party such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when he responded to an interview question about defunding the police when he answered: “Defund, my butt.” His newest interview will further alienate him from the majority of his fellow Democrats when he categorically stated: “Under no circumstances would I support packing the court or ending the filibuster if there is a 50-50 tie.” When asked if he plans on switching partys, his answer is no.

While Manchin’s independent streak may put him in the driver’s seat in Congress’ upcoming session, it will probably not last long. There was a time when there was a sizable population of Democratic pro-life officeholders; in fact, 64 Democrats voted to restrict abortion funding in the Affordable Care Act a decade ago. Not today, between the anti-life Maria Newman, unseating Illinois pro-life Representative Dan Lipinski in the Democratic primary, DNC Chairman Tom Perez’s declaration that no one in the Democrat party should be pro-life effectively leaves the 21 million pro-life Democrats with a choice to embrace the anti-life policy of the Infanticide Party or go elsewhere. But this is just the beginning of the purge.

After the election, tensions within the Democratic Party flared after losing members in the House and only picking up one seat in the Senate in a year in which a “Blue Wave” was expected to sweep the Democrats into a political majority in Congress and the presidency.

During a private conference call for House Democrats, lasting over three hours, the party’s socialist and moderate sides sniped at each other over the failure to secure the majority they had expected. While many of the comments may show the moderates pushing back against the socialist surge, several vital factors show that they are really just covering for election disappointments.  

Representative Abigail Spanberger of Virginia, a “Blue Dog,” angrily said on the call: “If we are classifying Tuesday as a success from a congressional standpoint, we will get [expletive] torn apart in 2022; that’s the reality.”

She then cited the reasons for the setbacks:

The number one concern in things that people brought to me in my [district] that I barely re-won was defunding the police. And I’ve heard from colleagues who have said, ‘Oh, it’s the language of the streets. We should respect that.’ We’re in Congress. We are professionals. We are supposed to talk about things in the way where we mean what we’re talking about. If we don’t mean we should defund the police, we shouldn’t say that….

We want to talk about funding social services, and ensuring good engagement in community policing; let’s talk about what we are for. And we need to not ever use the words ‘socialist’ or ‘socialism’ ever again. Because while people think it doesn’t matter, it does matter. And we lost good members because of it.

Spanberger also warned that if Democrats kept up their tactics in 2022: “We will get f—— torn apart.”

Notice what the “moderate” missed in her rant? Any criticism of socialism. She just doesn’t want her party to mention it. Her comments about defunding the police are just as deceitful: She never said she was against it, only that the Democrats supporting it wanted to speak “the language of the streets.”

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) also slammed the “defund the police movement in the Democratic Party saying: “That phrase, ‘defund the police,’ cost [Democratic Senate candidate] Jaime Harrison tremendously.”

Notice again, Clyburn did not criticize the movement, only saying that it is unpopular. So, even as “moderate” Democrats acknowledge their policies cost them votes, the party continues to support both socialism and “defunding the police.” Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Squad” added three new rabidly socialist members this congressional session. And in a recent interview, former President Obama criticized the DNC for only giving Cortez a few minutes at the convention.

All the while, the MSM continue to portray Joe Biden and his radical plans as a “centrist:”

The simple fact is that, for lots of Republicans, any Republican running for president — even one whose allegiance to the GOP and its long-standing policies is tenuous at best — is better than voting for any Democrat. Because while Hillary Clinton was, without question, a deeply polarizing figure that many Republicans had long loathed, Biden was none of those things.

If ever there was a Democratic nominee at this moment who could make a reasonable bid for GOP votes as a pragmatic centrist who simply wanted to return things to normal, Biden was it. And while he did win some traditional Republicans — again, mostly in the suburbs — Trump still managed to get 10 million more votes than he did four years ago.

Calling Joe Biden, the self-proclaimed “most progressive Democratic candidate ever,” a centrist is akin to declaring serial killer and cannibal Jeffery Dahmer was a “cook.” While the words of Manchin, Clyburn, and Spanberger may sound like a moderate part of the party exists and intends to resist the efforts of the far-left, the reality is that they are providing a smokescreen as the party continues its leftward march.