Hard Push to Increase Naturalizations and Defeat Trump

Reports indicate that the Obama administration, labor unions, and George-Soros linked non-governmental organizations are encouraging legal aliens to become naturalized citizens ahead of the elections. The agenda behind the push appears to be to defeat Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

“I want to vote so Donald Trump won’t win,” Hortensia Villegas, a Mexican immigrant, told the New York Times earlier this week after attending a naturalization workshop in Colorado. “He doesn’t like us,” she told the Times, adding that she felt compelled to register after a decade of living in the country illegally.

According to the New York Times, the Obama administration has been working with labor unions and organizations, such as the George Soros-linked National Partnership for New Americans, to motivate immigrants to seek naturalization in an effort to register over one million more voters before November. “People who are eligible are really feeling the urgency to get out there,” said Tara Raghuveer, deputy director of the National Partnership for New Americans, a coalition that helped put on the workshop in Denver. “They are worried by the prospect that someone who is running for president has said hateful things.”

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It does not come as a surprise that Soros would be behind the drive to defeat a presidential candidate who is adamant about enforcing the borders. As a notorious globalist, Soros has made no qualms about his resentment toward national borders, as they present an obstacle to a New World Order.

And Soros has been outspoken about his contempt for some of the Republican presidential contenders who have advocated for stronger borders and enforcement of immigration laws. In a 2015 opinion piece written by Soros that appeared in The Guardian, Soros opined, “As 2016 gets underway, we must reaffirm our commitment to the principles of open society and resist the siren song of the likes of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, however hard that may be.”

At the Soros-funded, pro-open borders Migration Policy Institute, the White House announced last year it would contribute $10 million in federal grants, aka taxpayer dollars, to assist immigrants through the naturalization process, prompting criticism that the president is simply using taxpayer funds to expand the Democratic Party’s voter base.

Following the White House’s announcement, the online Daily Caller reported that the “true motivation” of the President’s plan was quite clear because it has been done by the Democrats before. The Daily Caller wrote, “In August 1995, Vice President Al Gore along with then-White House Director of Special Projects Rahm Emanuel created the Citizenship USA program: a plan that, in the words of a former White House aide, sought to ‘produce 1-million new citizens before Election Day.’”

Despite assertions that the Citizenship USA program was intended simply to fix the broken immigration system, the Daily Caller asks, “Why did the program only apply to key swing states, why did it last only for one year, and why were the naturalization ceremonies accompanied by voter registration drives in venues the size of Soldier Field?”

Twenty years later, not much has changed. The Obama administration has recruited Fernando Valenzuela, a Mexican-born pitcher who naturalized last year, and Jose Andres, a Spanish-American chef, to create marketing advertisements and appear at swearing-in ceremonies to encourage others to naturalize.

Naturalization drives have been planned in 15 states, including key states like Nevada and Florida. The New Americans Campaign, a non-profit group funded by organizations such as the Ford Foundation and partnered with groups such as the radical La Raza, plans to complete 1,500 naturalizations at a session being hosted at the Marlins Park baseball stadium on March 19.

And the naturalization campaign has already seen some success according to the Times.

“Naturalization applications increased by 11 percent in the 2015 fiscal year over the year before, and jumped 14 percent during the six months ending in January, according to federal figures. The pace is picking up by the week, advocates say, and they estimate applications could approach one million in 2016, about 200,000 more than the average in recent years,” the Times writes.

The Times adds that there have been “naturalization rush[es]” in the past that have been triggered by threats of fee increases, but this one is clearly linked to the upcoming election. “There is no hard deadline for immigrants hoping to vote in November, but with the agency currently approving naturalizations in about five months, immigrant groups are pressing to get applications in before May 1 to allow new citizens time to register to vote,” the New York Times reports.

And The Guardian reports that unions are attempting to capitalize on comments made by Donald Trump to galvanize Latinos into getting out to vote.

Maria Ponce of iAmerica Action, an immigrant rights campaign sponsored by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), told The Guardian, “Our messaging will be very sharply tied to the political moment, urging immigrants and Latinos to respond to hate with political action and power.”

But InfoWars.com observes that despite the mainstream media’s attempts at portraying Trump as anti-Hispanic, he has been successful in primaries where the population was largely Hispanic, such as Webb County, Texas, “America’s most Hispanic city,” as observed by The Guardian. There, Trump won approximately 35 percent of the Republican primary vote.

Trump’s victory in Webb County compelled The Guardian to write that the outcome “provided harder evidence that Trump has not been shunned by conservative Latinos,” and “may have even inspired them into action,” as he earned more votes in Webb County this primary than were cast in its 2012 primary in total.

Trump has attempted to shake the image the media is painting of a disgruntled racist, instead continually asserting that he does “well with Hispanics,” and some polls seem to support that. In fact, Trump did significantly better in a January New York Post poll of Hispanic Republican voters than his Latino-American counterparts, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

According to that poll, conducted by the Beck Research for the American Federation for Children, 38 percent of the voters favor Trump, while 15 percent supported Cuban American Ted Cruz and 8 percent preferred Cuban American Marco Rubio.

The Trump campaign asserts that there is a reason he remains fairly popular amongst Hispanic voters. Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, said, “No one will benefit more from Mr. Trump’s pro-worker immigration reforms than the millions of immigrants who already call America home.” Hicks notes that the Trump platform includes “limiting the ability of corporations to replace them with new, lower-wage workers brought in from abroad.”

Hicks adds that the “core moral principle” guiding Trump’s immigration policy is his preference for increased wages over importing foreign workers, and that is a stance that is highly popular amongst Hispanic voters, as seen in polls.