Graham: We’ll Find Out Who Leaked Kavanaugh Accuser’s Letter

Senator Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican who exploded during U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony on Thursday, unloaded on the judge’s enemies again yesterday on ABC’s This Week, promising to find out who leaked Christine Blasey Ford’s unsubstantiated accusation of attempted rape.

Speaking to George Stephanopoulous, a former torpedo in the Clinton Mob, Graham vowed a “supplemental investigation.”

The target? Senator Dianne Feinstein, the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, her staff, and anyone else who with motive and opportunity.

Meanwhile, the Washington Free Beacon reported this morning, a friend of Ford’s radical pro-abortion attorney, Debra Katz, sent e-mails to a school near Kavanaugh’s alma mater, Georgetown Prep, trolling for information. The friend sent them before the Ford-Kavanaugh hearing on Thursday.

Graham: He’s Not a Stumbling Drunk
Asked whether it was appropriate to discuss Kavanaugh’s drinking given the accusations against him that involve alcohol, Graham said no: “You’re trying to portray him as a stumbling bumbling drunk gang rapist who during high school and college was Bill Cosby. Six FBI background checks over the years would have uncovered this.”

Then Graham promised to find out who leaked Ford’s letter, and who in Feinstein’s office recommended Katz, who toils for an outfit funded by left-wing subversive George Soros:

But what we will investigate is who in Dianne Feinstein’s office referred Dr. Ford to Ms. Katz, that’s illegal, inappropriate in the Senate. So the FBI will do a supplemental background investigation. Then I’m going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee — who betrayed Dr. Ford’s trust, who in Feinstein’s office recommended Katz as a lawyer, why did Ms. Ford not know that the committee was willing to go to California.”

Stephanopoulous noted that the writer who divulged Ford’s letter denied receiving it from Feinstein’s office.

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“All I can tell you is it came from somebody with a political motive,” Graham replied. “There were three people who had the letter, people in Feinstein’s office, the congresswoman from California, and Ms. Katz and the legal team.”

Graham defended Kavanaugh’s anger during his testimony on Thursday, in particular from the likes of leftist Senator Mazie Hirono. She said Kavanaugh’s reaction to the uncorroborated, evidence-free charges showed poor judicial temperament.

“I’m offended by the fact that anybody would hold it against Brett Kavanaugh to be upset by the way he was treated,” Graham said. “Words were put in his mouth that he didn’t say, he’s accused of being a gang rapist, a bumbling, stumbling drunk, a degenerate person and he was hit by a truck.”

Graham elaborated:

Senator Hirono said men need to shut up…. I’m not going to shut up. I voted for Sotomayor and Kagan. I find it offensive that if somebody defends themselves against wholesale character assassination trying to destroy him and his family, that — the temperament I saw was a man who was innocent, who was rightly offended by being destroyed for a political purpose.

As for Ford, Graham said “she can file a complaint in Maryland, a criminal complaint that will not get out of the batter’s box,” the same conclusion as Rachel Mitchell, the prosecutor GOP senators hired to question the forgetful accuser.

Trolling for Dirt
Another question the committee might ask is whether Katz and Feinstein have used cutouts to do their political wet work.

The Free Beacon’s report discloses the e-mails from a Katz friend to area schools. The writer was looking for more anti-Kavanaugh smears.

“Debra Katz needs to find people who are familiar with what the slang terms used by Brett Kavanaugh in his yearbook meant,” wrote Andrea Caputo Rose. “If you can speak to any of these and are willing to sign an affidavit, please contact her.”

Rose also used the lurid gang-rape allegations to invite a response, claiming, “Time is critical if you have information and do not want to see Brett Kavanaugh sit on the Supreme Court for the next 40 years.”

“Please use your voice,” she said. “You will not get a second chance.”

Remarkably, Rose admitted that “many of us knew and hung out with Brett, Mark Judge, and their friends, we went to the same parties, to beach week, etc.,” and “it sounds like we likely had many more interactions” with Kavanaugh than Ford.

But Rose doesn’t seem to have any witnessed any bad behavior.

Photo: AP Images