Glenn Beck Offers Conservative Challenge to ‘Progressives’
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Game on, progressives! That was Glenn Beck’s message on Monday, March 22, just one day after the historic health care bill was passed.

According to Beck, though the conservatives (a term some have abandoned in favor of the more meaningful label: "constitutionalist") may have lost the healthcare vote, there is a small victory to be celebrated. Those of the progressive movement have been forced to come out of hiding and reveal themselves to the American public, and it is not a pretty sight. Beck calls this group “ruthless, morally bankrupt, ‘ends justifies the means’ Saul Alinsky-ites who will do anything (even devour their own) to get what they want.” This is the group that attempts to use “deem and pass” to impose unpopular partisan legislation, the same that uses “sweetheart deals” to buy votes for one of the most significant changes to our nation’s legislation.

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This was possible, Beck argues, because the few moderate Democrats in existence have been toppled over by the “progressive machine” within their party. Those who have emerged are “the California hippie, Marxist, communist, socialist progressives with flowers in the barrels of guns, sitting around smoking dope and talking about how they can destroy the evil American empire.”

Sadly, the "progressives" (who are really socialists) attempt to call themselves patriots, and even try to use constitutional language and the words of our Forefathers to justify their actions. In her final speech before the historic vote, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi said, “Americans will look back on this day as one which we honored the character of our country and honored our commitment to our nation’s founders for a commitment to ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’ "

How do Ms. Pelosi and her cohorts perceive these words? Well, pro-choice Pelosi and her entourage believe in life, except when they deny that right to the unborn. They believe in the liberty, the liberty of illegal aliens to enter our country and utilize our services at the expense of Americans, and they guarantee happiness to all, but on the backs of a few.

In other words, the progressives have distorted the ideals of the Forefathers, and have undermined the language in our Constitution. In fact, for this historic vote, they virtually said “the Constitution be damned!” Beck acknowledges that such behavior does not fly with the majority of Americans. The Constitution is sacred and it is time that we stand up for the most perfect legal document to exist.

You see, you cannot say that you love this country if you want to change everything about it. Restore it to its foundations yes, destroy those foundations, no. Our country is free-market capitalist, not socialist, and our government is a republic, not a dictatorship of the proletariat. The elected officials are supposed to represent the voice of the people. Our “progressive leaders” do not share these sentiments. They have failed to realize that these are the fundamentals of America.

Beck, like many others, is inspired to wage a long war against these anti-Americans. The small victory is that we have seen the enemy, and it looks like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama, to name a few.

So how do we take back our country from those who seethe with hatred for it? Beck says it begins when we reject the sense of entitlement that has characterized nearly every aspect of American life. This begins at home. Every time parents reward their children for doing nothing, or refuse to believe that their kids are anything less than brilliant angels, they are denying those children the opportunity to increase their ambition or drive. Every time teachers and schools reward students for being in “431st place,” we are indulging a sense of entitlement. We need to teach students that not everyone can win every time. This lesson forces children to understand that they must work for everything they have, and that the government cannot and should not be a giving tree, nor should it act as our guardian or parents. It is this sense of entitlement that has inspired the drive for Obamacare, and for an unlimited supply of social services at the expense of those who actually work for everything they earn.

The next step is to be informed. The Democrats have mastered the art of distorting language to their advantage. They lied about the “benefits” of the health care reform bill, they cry racism whenever you dare speak out against the President, and they use the Constitution to justify abortion, separation of church and state, and now, the healthcare reform bill. Americans need to question everything that they are told by the politicians and the mass media and pursue the truth on their own.

For too long, conservatives and constitutionalists have allowed political correctness to determine what they say and how they fight the left-wing anti-Americanism that has swept the Democratic Party (and also influenced the Republican party, under the guise of "neoconservatism") and sadly preys on the American people. Conservatives have been given a voice by Beck, who has not allowed himself to be bullied into being a complacent, quiet resistor.

Beck closes by saying, “So bring it on, progressives. Bring it on! Because you’ve just woken a sleeping giant.”

We can only hope that this is true.

Photo: Glenn Beck addresses the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington on Feb. 20, 2010.: AP Images