Gaetz Calls Cheney a Deep State Warmonger, Denounces Neocons and Wars Abroad
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida brutally attacked Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming from the steps of the capitol in Cheyenne yesterday as an out-of-touch neoconservative who sides with the globalist Deep State against her own constituents.

Gaetz traveled to the Cowboy State because Cheney, chairman of the Republican Conference, voted to impeach President Trump, having falsely said he was behind the unfortunate violence at and inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

But Gaetz went beyond denouncing Cheney for backing impeachment. He focused on her support for foreign wars and ties to the Deep State establishment.

Sided With Insiders

“The truth is that the establishment in both political parties have teamed up to screw our fellow Americans for generations,” he said:

In Washington, D.C., the private insider club of Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney, they want to return our government to its default setting, enriching them, making them more powerful at our expense. 

But we can stop and it starts right here in Wyoming.

What Gaetz called the prairie populist wisdom he inherited from his father and grandfather must cross party lines, he said. “Get rid of those old dogmas. Our battle is no longer just Republican versus Democrat. It’s not just Red team versus Blue team.”

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“We gotta put America first.” Americans, he said, deserve “greatness, not managed decline.”

It’s the establishment against the rest of us.… 

They control big media, big corporations, big tech, big defense contractors, and then walk around Washington, D.C., with big checkbooks and big egos. 

But we have something that is far more precious and powerful. We control the true spirit and identity of America.

The crowd chanted, “USA! USA! USA!”

Sounding like the Donald Trump of old, Gaetz denounced Cheney and her establishment allies for wages driven down by illegal immigration and trade deals that enriched China. But then he turned to the real price of Cheney’s support for the Deep State establishment:

We were told by Liz Cheney and all of the globalists that if we accepted globalism, we would export American’s best crops, best products and best services, but instead, all too often, we are exporting America’s bravest patriots to die in foreign, distant lands.

A nation that sends its best to go fight in the worst places in the world should not send its worst to be representatives in the United States Congress.

Anti-neocon Attack

But then came an all-out attack on the neocons and their ideology of perpetual war abroad and open borders at home.

“America is not just an idea,” Gaetz said, as the neocons claim. “It’s not just a Constitution. America is our home. And we must protect our home.”

“America is not a vaccine to global tyranny that we have to administer through decades of military occupations in foreign lands,” he said:

Liz Cheney taunts me for wearing makeup in my television appearances. Now, makeup only hides the slightest imperfections of the skin. It does very little to conceal the soulless corruption of Washington, D.C. It’s pretty easy for me to get a little makeup off my shirt. Far more difficult for Liz Cheney to get the blood off her hands after sending America’s best to foreign lands to die for unknowable gain and personal profit.

The neocons, Gaetz continued, say “‘we gotta fight ’em abroad, so we don’t have to fight ’em at home.’ Well maybe we have to fight ’em abroad because we are abroad so much.”

Maybe we ought to fight the neocons at home, so we don’t have to fight them in Washington, D.C. But that’s the problem isn’t it. Because the neocons are at home in Washington, D.C.

Noting that Cheney announced her run for Congress from Virginia and that she based her residency requirement on a fishing license, Gaetz said Cheney “is exactly like Congress. Deeply unpopular and owned by special interests.”

Cheney, he averred, raised more money from political action committees than people. “She works for them, not you. She does their bidding, not yours.”

Leadership does not include backing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment of Trump, he said.

Cheney accomplished “two things,” he said: blocking President Trump’s agenda, and “sell[ing] out to the forever war machine.”

Cheney wants to “blow stuff up that nobody cares about” and “rebuild things nobody wants” and “borrows money from China to do it.”

All the while, defense contractors get rich. Lobbyists get powerful. Congressmembers get re-elected. And our bravest patriots, the best among us, die and are maimed on the battlefield….

How can you even call yourself a representative when you don’t represent the will of the people? That’s what all the neocons ask about the Arab dictators. I figure maybe we ought to ask the same question of a Beltway bureaucrat-turned fake cowgirl who supported an impeachment that is deeply unpopular in the state of Wyoming.

Liz Cheney is less popular among Republicans in her own state than Muammar Gaddafi was among the Libyans, Gaetz quipped.

Big Crowd

Between 750 and 1,000 people attended the rally, the Casper Star-Tribune reported, a figure that “underscores the strength of the faction of the Republican Party still loyal to Trump and the brand of what Gaetz described to the crowd as ‘prairie populism.’”

Taylor Haines, an unsuccessful GOP candidate for governor, told the newspaper that “we’re in a different place politically as a state and as a country. It’s clear that the new administration is anti-America.”

The support for Gaetz, he said, suggests that people understand politicians such as Cheney must be fought:

When you attack hard-working, union people and take their jobs away, that’s a shot across our bow. And when someone like Liz Cheney attacks an innocent person and goes outside of the Constitution to do that, then we have a problem.

That’s what you’re seeing here. People are starting to realize that if you don’t stand up to do something, then we’re going to be in trouble. And the only way to do that is at the ballot box.