Trump Says Summit With Kim Jong-un Will Go On

President Trump will be meeting North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore on June 12, as originally planned.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Kim Yong-chol, North Korea’s former military intelligence chief, concluded talks around noon on May 31 that began over dinner in New York the previous evening. The meeting was widely considered to be an attempt to salvage the cancelled June 12 summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

The talks evidently accomplished their objective, because on June 1, President Trump said a nuclear arms summit with the North Korean that he cancelled last week will now go ahead as originally scheduled. “I think it’s probably going to be a very successful, ultimately a successful process,” the president told reporters on the White House lawn after meeting with Kim Yong-chol in the Oval Office.

We reported on May 24 that President Trump had just sent a letter to Kim Jong-un informing the North Korean that the summit scheduled to take place between the two leaders in Singapore on June 12 would not take place. Trump said his reason for cancelling was the “tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement,” which was actually made by Choe Son-hui, a North Korean vice foreign minister. 

Prior to Pompeo’s talks with Kim Yong-chol, Trump had expressed optimism about U.S.-North Korean relations in a statement to reporters at Joint Base Andrews.

That optimism was well-founded. After his June 1 meeting with Kim Yong Chol, Trump said it was a “great start.” He also confirmed that the North Korean official gave him a personal letter from dictator Kim Jong-un. “We talked about a lot of things,” Trump said. “We really did. But the big deal will be on June 12.”

Photo of Donald Trump:


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