Trump’s Ambassador to India: Another CFR-Trilateral Globalist

Kenneth I. Juster (shown, front) was confirmed “ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of India” by a Senate voice vote on November 2. Ambassador Juster’s nomination is one of the latest odd choices of President Trump for high administration posts. Odd because, as a candidate, Trump ran against Wall Street insiders, globalism, outsourcing, open borders, and foreign trade deals that are harmful to the U.S. economy and our national sovereignty. Juster’s career and connections indicate that he is completely at odds with Candidate Trump’s stated vision. The same Wall Street firms that have transformed China from a dirt-poor, backward, Third World communist dictatorship into an economic hegemon and First World communist dictatorship are in the process of building India’s crony socialist/crony capitalist economy into another powerhouse, while at the same time promoting an increased flood of Indian H-1B tech workers into the United States to replace American workers.  

As a partner of the elite investment firm Warburg Pincus, LLC, and a top attorney for the internationalist law firm of Arnold & Porter, Juster has been in the forefront of promoting the transformation-and-convergence process that is entangling the United States ever more deeply in globalist schemes and making the United States increasingly dependent on China and India. Moreover, in naming Juster, it appears that Trump has again appointed another Deep State agent who will being working from a critical position within the administration to undermine and sabotage the president’s announced agenda.

Kenneth Ian Juster is a member of both the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Trilateral Commission, two of the most powerful organizations that for decades (and in the case of the CFR, almost a century) have been leading the crusade against national sovereignty and the push for world government. In this regard, Juster was a member of the CFR’s Task Force on North America, which has been the premier high-brow group promoting schemes to “integrate” the United States — economically, politically, socially — with Canada and Mexico, with the aim of expanding NAFTA into a full-blown replica of the supra-national European Union.

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Juster’s ties to Warburg Pincus and Arnold & Porter should have been cause for concern about possible conflicts between U.S. national interests and those of his “former” business association, since both of these mega-firms have substantial interests in India, as well as China. But that didn’t seem to matter to the august solons of both parties, who waved him through the proceedings with nary a hiccup. Like Goldman Sachs, the Blackstone Group, the Carlyle Group, the Rhodium Group, and other elite insider investment firms, Warburg Pincus is a major player in the “outbound investment” of U.S. firms to India and China and the “inbound investment” of Indian and Chinese state-favored/state-owned mega-corps to the United States. In June, Warburg Pincus hooked up with india’s Tata Group to buy 43 percent of Tata Technologies LLC, the huge conglomerate’s engineering outsourcing division.The reported price of the Tata purchase was $360 million. As a partner now with Tata, Warburg Pincus will likely be helping American companies replace their American engineers with cheaper Indian engineers in Delhi — and/or joining the push to bring more Indian engineers here on H-1B visas, so more American engineers can “train their replacements” before joining the unemployment lines. On December 12, 2017, Bharti Airtel, India’s largest telecommunications provider, announced that Warburg Pincus would acquire a 20 percent stake in Bharti Telemedia Limited, the direct-to-home arm of Bharti Airtel. Warburg Pincus will reportedly be investing $350 million in this venture, which will cement a partnership with Bharti Airtel’s billionaire founder Sunil Bharti Mittal, one of India’s richest moguls.

This is not Kenneth Juster’s first appointment in the Trump administration. On February 2, 2017, President Trump’s then-National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn announced that Juster was among four new additions to the Trump National Security Council. According to Flynn’s press statement, Juster “will serve as Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs. He will coordinate the Administration’s international economic policy and integrate it with national security and foreign policy. He will also be the President’s representative and lead U.S. negotiator (‘Sherpa’) for the annual G-7, G-20, and APEC Summits.”

U.S.-India “Strategic Convergence”

According to some analysts, Juster’s move to the ambassadorial slot should be viewed as a demotion, resulting, reportedly, from his abrasive personality that was at variance with the diplomatic skills requisite for his “Sherpa” role. However, with the Trump administration signaling that India may be overtaking China as a partner in “strategic convergence,” Juster’s shift to the ambassadorial post may instead be a promotion. According to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the U.S.-India relationship is a growing “partnership” in a “profound transformation“ with “growing strategic convergence,” especially in the areas of national security, counter-terrorism, trade, and economic matters.

“In July, I signed the designation of Hizbul Mujahideen as a Foreign Terrorist Organization because the United States and India stand shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism,” Secretary Tillerson stated, on October 18, 2017, in remarks to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a globalist think tank in Washington, D.C. “But another more profound transformation that’s taking place,” he continued, “one that will have far-reaching implications for the next 100 years: The United States and India are increasingly global partners with growing strategic convergence. Indians and Americans don’t just share an affinity for democracy. We share a vision of the future. The emerging Delhi-Washington strategic partnership stands upon a shared commitment upholding the rule of law, freedom of navigation, universal values, and free trade. Our nations are two bookends of stability — on either side of the globe — standing for greater security and prosperity for our citizens and people around the world.”

On October 27, Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross issued a joint statement on U.S.-India relations with India’s Minister of Commerce and Industry Suresh Prabhu, following their first session of the U.S.-India Commercial Dialogue. “Upon noting the impressive three-fold increase in total U.S.-India trade since 2005, both sides affirmed the significant strategic and economic importance of the U.S.-India relationship in promoting joint economic growth, job creation, and prosperity,” the joint statement read. What wasn’t noted, however, is that the benefit from that three-fold increase has flowed primarily to India, or, rather, to the state-favored Indian companies and their American corporate partners. The U.S. trade deficit with India has tripled from $10 billion in 2005 to nearly $31 billion in 2016, thanks to the same type of trade policies that have favored China and other foreign nations, combined with tax and regulatory policies that encourage U.S. companies to move operations overseas. During his meeting this past June with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President Trump urged Modi to relax Indian trade barriers that are hindering U.S. exports to India. But Trump’s statements notwithstanding, Ross and Juster are likely to continue pursuing the same globalist trade policies that have hollowed out the American economy and destroyed American technological and manufacturing dominance. Besides being a billionaire member of the ultra-elite, super-secretive Bilderberg Group, Wilbur Ross is also a protégé of the Rothschild banking family and a trustee of the globalist Brookings Institution. He has hosted Brookings confabs at his huge Hampton estate, and the president of Brookings, Strobe Talbott (a pal of Bill Clinton’s from college days, and a deputy secretary of state for President Clinton) is, like Juster, a member of the Trilateral Commission. Juster was a leading architect of the State Department team under President George W. Bush that put together the Next Steps in Strategic Partnership (NSSP) with India, a plan that is still being followed today. He is shown in an official photo as one of the three principal signers of the NSSP, which among many other dubious “benefits” (dubious from the point of view of American and global security, that is) greatly facilitated the export of high-level U.S. technology to build India’s nuclear energy (while regulations and environmental lawsuits continue to prevent building nuclear power plants here) as well as “dual-use” technology that is critical to India’s missile development and other military applications.

Virtually Unbroken CFR Grip on Ambassadors to India

Juster replaces CFR member Richard Verma, who was President Obama’s ambassador to India. Ambassador Verma, following what has become a typical post-diplomatic assignment, has taken a position as vice chairman of the Asia Group, founded by business magnate/diplomat Kurt M. Campbell (CFR, Trilateral member), who is also a founder of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). The Verma-Juster transition completes an almost unbroken chain of notable CFR members who have held this important post since the second-most-populous nation in the world became an independent state in 1950: Loy W. Henderson, Chester Bowles, George V. Allen, John Sherman Cooper, Ellsworth Bunker, John Kenneth Galbraith, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Robert Goheen, Harry G. Barnes, William Clark, Thomas Pickering, Frank G. Wisner, Richard F. Celeste, Robert Blackwill, David C. Mulford, and Nancy J. Powell. The few exceptions who have not been CFR members — William Saxbe, Kathleen Stephens, and Timothy Roemer — continued the same general internationalist course, nevertheless, through Republican and Democratic administrations.

Also worthy of note, especially in view of the ongoing (and escalating) Deep State vs. Trump conflict, is Kenneth Juster’s additional tie to the Deep State (beyond his CFR and Trilateral connections) as vice chairman of the Asia Foundation, which was exposed in the 1960s as a front operation of the CIA. Also of concern are many of the organizations that Juster has represented as an attorney, the most troubling, perhaps, being the Gorbachev Foundation, the subversive intelligence operation run by the former “president” of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev.

On to India With Ivanka
Ambassador Juster traveled to Hyderabad, India, on November 28 with President Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, to attend the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES 2017). According to a statement  by U.S. State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert on November 28, “More than 1,500 entrepreneurs, investors, and supporters of entrepreneurs from 150 countries will attend the summit.” Further, stated Nauert, the U.S. contingent included “American entrepreneurs and investors from 38 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.”

2004 photo of Kenneth Juster: AP Images

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