Secretary of State Pompeo Continues Obama’s LGBT “Imperialism”

Under the leadership of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the U.S. State Department has continued the Obama-era policy of forcing the militant LGBT agenda down the throats of foreign nations and peoples. From openly celebrating homosexual “pride” month and flying rainbow flags at U.S. embassies around the world to brazenly smearing biblical views on homosexuality as “bigotry” or a “phobia,” Pompeo´s State Department has been haranguing governments worldwide to embrace the LGBT movement. The department has also vowed to fight alleged “discrimination” against homosexuals and those confused about their biological sex all over the planet. But critics of the increasingly radical policy pointed out that Pompeo and the U.S. government have no public mandate to force the radical homosexual agenda on foreign countries — and no constitutional authority to do so, either.  

The acronym LGBT, which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender, has become a banner used by an aggressive, well-financed and truly international movement. With help from the Obama administration and other left-wing Western governments, it has already largely hijacked the apparatus of the United Nations, even though most of its member states never consented. And apparently, operatives of the LGBT movement have been able to hijack the U.S. State Department as well, regardless of which party is in power. That means nations and peoples all over the world are facing a multi-pronged and historically unprecedented assault on their national sovereignty, self-government, traditions, beliefs, cultures, and religious views that threaten to overturn the very foundations of human civilization. Employees of the State Department are being forced into LGBT re-education programs. And U.S. taxpayers are paying for it all — to this day.    

In May, Pompeo issued a bizarre statement in honor of what he called the “International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia.” Critics noted, first of all, that Pompeo had adopted the exact language of the radical LGBT movement. This movement holds that Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and all others who reject homosexual behavior as sinful or disordered must somehow have a “phobia” — defined as an irrational fear — of homosexuals and people confused about their biological reality. “Fear and bigotry are enshrined in laws that criminalize LGBTI status or conduct in more than 70 countries,” Pompeo complained in the statement, without noting that sodomy was still a crime even in many parts of America less than two decades ago, when the Supreme Court usurped the authoriy to strike down centuries-old state laws banning the practice in Lawrence v. Texas.

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Adding insult to injury, Pompeo even implied that the principles upon which the United States was founded somehow imply that homosexual acts and obscene pride parades in public are a fundamental “human right.” In reality, homosexual activity was a crime for virtually all of U.S. history, including in many states throughout most of Pompeo’s life. “The United States firmly opposes criminalization, violence and serious acts of discrimination such as in housing, employment and government services, directed against LGBTI persons,” Pompeo said, sounding a lot like the Obama administration and conflating rejection of the LGBT agenda with violence. “We use public and private diplomacy to raise human rights concerns, provide emergency assistance to people at risk, and impose visa restrictions and economic sanctions against those who persecute them.”

Pompeo also firmly aligned the State Department with the most radical and extreme elements of the LGBT movement — including those who demonize billions of Christians, Muslims, Jews, and others around the world as “hateful,” “intolerant,” “bigoted,” and “homophobic” for rejecting homosexuality as sinful or disordered. “On the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, the United States stands with people around the world in affirming the dignity and equality of all people regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex characteristics,” he said. “Human rights are universal, and LGBTI people are entitled to the same respect, freedoms, and protections as everyone else.” The I stands for “Intersex.”

On June 1, Secretary of State Pompeo again put out a pro-LGBT official statement in honor of what he dubbed “LGBTI Pride Month.” “The United States joins people around the world in celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) Pride Month, and reaffirms its commitment to protecting and defending the human rights of all, including LGBTI persons,” Pompeo said, without explaining when homosexual activity or “sex changes” involving genital mutilation became a “human right” or by what authority. The secretary also expressed concern that homosexuals in some parts of the world have not been free to march down the streets expressing pride in what virtually every culture and society throughout human history has regarded as sin and perversion. Indeed, the U.S. State Department has been openly supporting these “Pride” marches around the world.  

“In many parts of the world, LGBTI individuals and their supporters continue to face violence, arrest, harassment and intimidation for standing up for their human rights, participating in peaceful marches and rallies, expressing their views, and simply being who they are,” Pompeo continued. “LGBTI persons — like all persons — must be free to enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, and association, without fear of reprisal. As Americans, we place a high value on these rights and freedoms, which all persons deserve to enjoy fully and equally. The United States stands firmly with you as you exercise your human rights and fundamental freedoms. We wish you a safe and happy Pride Month.”

Of course, anyone who has ever attended an LGBT “Pride” parade or witnessed one on television knows that this is not merely a matter of “free speech” or “free expression.” Walking down the street almost naked whipping a leashed person in a leather dog costume, for example, is not a legitimate example of free speech, nor is riding on a float wearing a thong pretending to have sex with another person. In many nations around the world, such behavior is regarded as an obscenity at best — especially when children are exposed to it, something that is inevitable when these marches take place in public streets. When the U.S. government began equating obscene LGBT “Pride” parades with free speech and freedom of expression was not made clear.   

But of course, the American people never agreed to this. So controversial is the LGBT agenda that Barack Obama admitted that he lied to Americans about his views on the question when running for president. When given the opportunity to vote on homosexual “marriage,” even voters in far-left “progressive” states such as California voted to defend marriage from the LGBT movement. In some states, such as Alabama, more than eight in 10 voters rejected homosexual “marriage” at the polls. And yet Pompeo, who claims to be a conservative, is brazenly pushing this agenda on Christian and Muslim nations around the world, as if there were some objective truth to the extreme LGBT-advanced dogma that marriage and family must all be redefined to satisfy a fringe minority that hates faithful Christians, Muslims, and Jews and even the notion of objective morality.

This is probably just the beginning, though. First, the movement simply claimed it wanted to end criminal laws and mental-health labels aimed at homosexual activity. Next, it sought to put children in the hands of homosexuals via adoption. Then it sought to redefine — or undefine — marriage to include homosexual couples. And now, the movement aims to silence all criticism and opposition to the LGBT agenda, using the force of government and other forms of terror against those who defy its increasingly radical dogma. In some Western nations, it has already succeeded, criminalizing any dissent against LGBT orthodoxy. Even pastors have been jailed for preaching from the Bible. But jail for critics will not be the end point. One Western government even investigated the Bible´s verses on homosexuality and concluded that they represented a violation of “hate speech” laws.     

Writing for the pro-family organization Mass Resistance, Amy Contrada said Pompeo´s embrace of LGBT extremism was a major disappointment to conservatives — and that may be an understatement. Blasting Pompeo’s “name-calling” against Christians and Jews, Contrada argued that the secretary’s pro-LGBT statements were giving “credence to the radical ideology deeming all forms of sexual and ‘gender’ expression ‘human rights’ and that any disagreement is irrational or hateful.” Contrada also took issue with some of Pompeo’s claims and what she described as exagerations, for instance the notion that homosexuals and gender-confused individuals are facing dangerous persecution all over the world and are in urgent need of U.S. government assistance. The reality is far less bleak for homosexuals, even in nations where sexual crimes such as adultery, rape, incest, and sodomy can theoretically be punishable by death.   

She also called out the secretary´s supposed concern for “human dignity” in all this. “How is it affirming ‘human dignity’ to define persons by their sexual proclivities, or their denial of their own biological reality?” Contrada asked. “Is it dignified to publicly celebrate one’s engagement in sodomy? Is it dignified to impersonate the opposite sex and demand access to opposite-sex facilities? Is it dignified to seek one’s own chemical and surgical castration? Is it irrational ‘homophobia’ or ‘transphobia’ to be concerned about these issues? Yet Pompeo apparently believes the State Department is promoting ‘human dignity’ when it officially supports vulgar LGBT pride events and flies the rainbow flag at our embassies.”  

After highlighting Pompeo’s stated concern for religious freedom, she also wondered whether Pompeo was unaware of the escalating attacks on religious freedom in America by LGBT radicals. “So-called ‘LGBT rights’ roll over anything in their path: bringing lawsuits against conservative believers over refusals to bake ‘gay’ or ‘trans’ wedding cakes; demanding transgender persons’ acceptance in public accommodations; catechizing school children on the LGBT creed against parental beliefs; censoring the serious health risks accompanying LGBT lifestyle choices, etc,” she continued. “The celebration of all things LGBT has become totalitarian. Sexual radicals now have the power to shut down websites, silence university researchers, and yank payment platforms from conservative groups. They silence debate with charges of ‘hate speech.’ They push people to self-censor.” In other Western nations, it is even worse, with pastors literally thrown in prison for publicly expressing a biblical view on sexuality.

The United Nations has also taken up the mantle, but only very recently. In fact, all of this “LGBT” extremism only came out of the closet in recent years. “Only recently have ‘LGBT rights’ — i.e., all forms of sexual and ‘gender’ expression — been declared ‘human rights’ by radical activists. So, it’s a stretch to claim that the 72 countries criminalizing ‘same-sex acts’ are violating ‘human rights,’” concluded Contrada at Mass Resistance. “Why is it acceptable for Pompeo’s State Department to attempt to force acceptance of this new ‘LGBT rights’ ideology on the majority of countries around the world that dissent? Why does LGBT cultural imperialism get a pass?… Pompeo’s incendiary vocabulary (homophobia, transphobia, biphobia) smears a majority of American citizens as irrational, deplorable bigots.… We thought we were done with this radicalism when Obama left office. Obviously not.”

While the U.S. government continues to promote the normalization of homosexuality and the advance of the radical LGBT agenda worldwide, Christians are still being massacred by the millions all over the world, often as a direct result of U.S. “foreign policy.” In Iraq, Syria, Libya, the Ivory Coast, Egypt, Afghanistan, and more, the federal government’s scheming has contributed directly to what many experts have referred to as a genocide against ancient Christian communities. Instead of using all those resources to protect homosexuals from alleged “discrimination” and laws the U.S. government does not like, perhaps that money could be better spent paying restitution to the many millions of Christians and others around the world whose lives have been totally destroyed — if not ended — by the U.S. government’s lawless interventionism.    

Rather than forcing the militant LGBT agenda on the world through tax-funded cultural imperialism, the Trump administration should clean out the radical sexual revolutionaries from their perches within the State Department and other bureaucracies. In his latest speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Trump vowed repeatedly that America would not go around the world telling other countries what to do. “I honor the right of every nation in this room to pursue its own customs, beliefs, and traditions,” he told the UN General Assembly. “The United States will not tell you how to live or work or worship.” That is what the American people voted for. It is time for Congress and the entire Trump administration to obey the Constitution and make good on that pledge.

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe but has lived all over the world, including in Africa and Latin America. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook. He can be reached at

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