Graham Says China Behind North Korea Calling U.S. Demands “Gangster-like”

Speaking on Fox News Sunday on July 8, Senator Lindsey Graham (shown, R-S.C.) said he believed China was behind a North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman’s statement — released shortly after the meeting between North Korea and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo— that said, “The U.S. side came up only with its unilateral and gangster-like demand for denuclearization.”

The statement added that the U.S. call for “complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization,” or CVID, runs “counter to the spirit of the Singapore summit.”

“If those requests were gangster-like, the world is a gangster,” Pompeo said in response, noting that numerous UN Security Council resolutions have demanded that North Korea eliminate its nuclear weapons and end its ballistic-missile program.

Graham said to Fox News Sunday host Dana Perino: “I see China’s hands all over this. We are in a fight with China. We buy $500 billion worth of goods from the Chinese. They buy $100 billion from us. They cheat and President Trump wants to change the economic relationship with China…. There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s the Chinese pulling [the] North Koreans back.”

The New American has written of the close ties between Beijing and Pyongyang. In the August 2017 article “North Korea: Globalist Pawn?” we observed: “Pyongyang’s most important ally, by far, is the communist dictatorship enslaving mainland China.” We noted that the extremely close links between the communist dictatorships enslaving North Korea and mainland China are hardly secret, quoting General Xiong Guangkai, a top Chinese military and intelligence official, who said in 1999: “The PRC [People’s Republic of China] and DPRK [the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] are … in the relations of lips and teeth and the peoples and armies of the two countries have a blood-tied traditional relationship.”

 Photo: AP Images

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North Korea: Globalist Pawn?