China is behind some of the radical green initiatives being pushed in the United States. An exclusive Fox News report traced the financial filings of a certain nonprofit that has spent millions of dollars on green initiatives in America all the way to Beijing. China is also a major producer of a majority of components needed for EV batteries and solar panels. Meanwhile, the communist state’s societal buildup is fueled by efficient, reliable fossil fuels. 

Other stories in today’s show includes: 

@ 12:15 | Democrat leaders are angry at the federal government for not helping them with the migrant influx the government created; 

@ 23:00 | A new U.K. study says that human breathing is bad for the environment; 

@ 26:19 | The FBI watchlist has grown to two million people; but nobody knows what criteria the secretive organization uses. 

@ 33:40 | Former CEO of The John Birch Society Art Thompson discusses the need for information warriors in the information battle.  


Read: DHS Suspends Railway Operations at Border Crossings

Watch: UN ‘Climate’ Deal to Phase Out Oil… or the Free World?

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