Ex-Black Panther Bobby Rush to Leave Congress, Continue Radical Mission as Preacher/Activist in Chicago
Bobby Rush

Representative Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), one of Chicago’s most famous and most radical politicians, has announced he will not be seeking reelection when his current term ends this year. But he also let it be known that this does not mean he will be “retiring” — he intends to carry on his decades-old mission as an ultra-left activist from a Chicago church pulpit instead of his Congressional seat.

“After nearly three decades in Congress, I have been reassigned,” Representative Rush tweeted on January 4. “While I will not be running for a 16th term, let me make it clear that I am not retiring — I am returning. I’m returning home, returning to my church, and returning to my family and grandchildren.”

The 75-year-old congressman first came to national attention in the late 1960s as the co-founder, with Fred Hampton, of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (BPP), the militant Marxist-Leninist “Black Power” organization that adopted Mao Tse-tung’s genocidal regime as its aspirational model. Following the death of Hampton in a shootout with police in 1969, Rush became chairman of the Illinois BPP. However, like many of his communist comrades of the 1960s, Bobby Rush realized that armed revolution would not topple the “imperialist” United States of America. A longer, gradual, patient approach, as advocated by Italian communist theorist Antonio Gramsci, would be necessary to totally transform America from within — morally, spiritually, politically, socially, and economically — to bring about their dreamed-of socialist-communist victory.

Bobby Rush in 1969: AP Images

Many of the 1960s rioters and bomb-throwers went into education, becoming professors and taking over colleges and universities. Over the past couple of generations, they have successfully indoctrinated countless students in left-wing ideology, identity politics, and political correctness. Other radicals from the 1960s and ’70s chose to channel “The Revolution” into spiritual and moral subversion by working through liberal-left churches, synagogues, and mosques to promote abortion, LGBTQ+ campaigns, open borders, illegal-alien amnesty, sanctuary cities, defunding/abolishing police, gun confiscation, global-warming hysteria, “green” energy policies, and various and sundry similar attacks on the foundations of society. Still others went into politics, either running for elected office themselves or serving as advisors to political front men, and trainers of the cadres that do the heavy lifting in political campaigns.

Bobby Rush decided to utilize both the political and spiritual paths to advance the Marxist revolution in America. In 1974 he ran for a seat on the Chicago City Council. He failed at that but did manage to win a slot as alderman for Chicago’s South Side, as an ally of far-left Chicago Mayor Harold Washington. In 1992, Rush won a seven-way Democratic primary for the heavily Democratic, mostly black First Congressional District, which guaranteed his win in the general election. It has been a safe seat for him ever since. An ambitious young state senator by the name of Barack Obama got a political thrashing from Rush in 2000 when he decided to run against Rush in the First District primary. It is the only election loss Obama has suffered.

Revolutionary Parliamentarianism

As a member of Congress, Bobby Rush has for three decades exemplified the communist strategy of revolution through subversion and transformation as detailed in 1961 by Czechoslovakian Communist Party strategist Jan Kozak. Comrade Kozak’s playbook for the “peaceful” communist takeover of a country was published under the title How Parliament Can Play a Revolutionary Part in the Transition to Socialism (translated into English from the original Czech) by the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUA). In this short manual, Kozak, a Communist Party functionary loyally laying down the Soviet line dictated by his masters in Moscow, explained to Communist Parties throughout the world the means and methods by which he and his fellow Reds “democratically” accomplished a coup in post-World War II Czechoslovakia.

Subsequent printings of the Kozak blueprint under the title And Not a Shot Is Fired brought the stunning communist admissions to a much wider readership. It is now available again after having been out of print for several years, and not a moment too soon, as the stealth revolution described by Kozak is already far advanced here in America. And Representative Bobby Rush no doubt intends to continue playing a key role in the ongoing revolution, albeit a different role. As Comrade Kozak explained, the communists in Czechoslovakia, though a minority, succeeded in taking power through deception, co-opting coalitions, and utilizing “pressure from above” and “pressure from below.”

Communist politicians and their (witting and unwitting) “democratic” allies provided the pressure from above with increasingly oppressive laws and policies, while mass demonstrations and protests organized by communist cadres provided the pressure from below, both creating chaos and giving the appearance of popular support for the socialist (read communist) revolution, leading to “the dictatorship of the proletariat,” as Marx called for in the Communist Manifesto.

Kozak writes:

A revolutionary usefulness of the parliament will demand in new historical conditions, a realization of a new form of transition to the dictatorship of the proletariat; parliament must become a new instrument of socialist revolution depriving the bourgeoisie of its power, of its means of production and materializing the building of socialism with the working class directing the policy making. Thus, it serves the revolutionary aims of the proletariat and corresponds to the Marxist-Leninist principles of a necessity of revolutionary transition of the capitalist society into a socialist one.

Rush’s Red Record

As a revolutionary parliamentarian, Bobby Rush has spent decades working both the pressure-from-above and pressure-from-below levers of the communist coup machinery outlined by Kozak. While sponsoring and voting for pro-socialist, pro-communist legislation, he has also openly worked with and supported official communist parties (such as the Communist Party USA) and communist dictators (Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Mao Tse-tung).

Bobby Rush’s communist pedigree extends back to his days as a Black Panther Party leader. The BPP adopted an avowedly Marxist-Leninist ideology and required members to study Mao’s Little Red Book, the ravings of China’s mass-murdering communist dictator. In 1971, BPP “Minister of Defense” Huey Newton, visiting China as a guest of Mao and the Chinese Communist Party, was so smitten with his Potemkin tour he declared, “Everything I saw in China demonstrated that the People’s Republic is a free and liberated territory with a socialist government…. To see a classless society in operation is unforgettable.”

During the Vietnam War, the BPP aligned itself with the enemies that were killing our soldiers: Communist China, the Viet Cong, and Communist North Vietnam. In 1969, Rush stated of the BPP, “We advocate offensive violence against the power structure” of America. In addition to adopting revolutionary violence against the United States, the BPP also degenerated into debauchery, criminal violence, drug dealing, and, ultimately, self-destruction.

The following is a thumbnail summary of Rush’s anti-American, pro-communist record of activities and associations since his Black Panther days:

  • Rush’s longtime friend and advisor was the late David Canter, a longtime activist in the Communist Party USA. Canter was raised in the Soviet Union by communist parents and was a paid Soviet agent and propagandist. Among his many assignments from Moscow was publication of a 1964 booklet accusing Barry Goldwater and the John Birch Society of plotting a violent insurrection to take over the United States (sound eerily familiar, like maybe a prequel to the current media-hyped January 6 hysteria?). Rush was a speaker at Canter’s memorial service.
  • In 1996-97 Helene Slessarev-Jamir was an urban-policy consultant and strategist to Representative Rush. Slessarev-Jamir, an extreme radical, was a regular writer for the Marxist-Leninist/Maoist coalition known as the League of Revolutionary Struggle;
  • Rush was the guest speaker at the Communist Party USA’s fundraising dinner for its newspaper, the People’s Weekly World, on September 20, 1997;
  • In 1997 Bobby Rush supported the efforts of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (a Soviet KGB operation founded by Stalin in 1945 and headquartered in Hungary) to bring young people from all over the United States to Havana, Cuba, for the 14th World Festival of Youth and Students;
  • In 2000, Representative Rush served as co-chairperson on the welcoming committee for the Chicago Memorial Service for Richard Criley, a long-time activist with the Communist Party USA (CPUSA);
  • In 2002, Rush was a sponsor of the CPUSA’s annual People’s Weekly World  banquet;
  • In 2009, Rush joined five other members of the Congressional Black Caucus on a trip to Cuba to meet with dictators Fidel and Raul Castro. While there he also “preached sermons” at two churches approved by Cuba’s Communist Party authorities. (Rush has never acknowledged the Castro regime’s brutal persecution of Christians);
  • In 2012, Representative Rush participated in the “Five Days for the Five” propaganda tour in Washington, D.C., an effort by communist parliamentarians from Latin America to drum up support for freeing the “Cuban Five,” members of Castro’s notorious Red Wasp network of spies/assassins.
  • In 2016, Rush joined President Obama on Air Force One for another trip to Castro’s communist wonderland;
  • Rush has been a longtime member of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Progressive Caucus;
  • Representative Bobby Rush’s latest voting score on The New American’s Freedom Index is an awful eight percent. His cumulative, lifetime score on the Freedom Index over the past 29 years shows that he only voted in support of the U.S. Constitution (which he took an oath to uphold) 22 percent of the time, the equivalent of an “F” rating.

“Reverend” Rush Pushes Death for Black Babies

Rush is pastor of the Beloved Community Christian Church in Chicago. One wonders what “Christian” counsel, what “Christian” sermons Pastor Rush finds for his Beloved faithful in the gospel according to Marx. One thing is certain: Babies are not beloved at Beloved. Pastor Rush earned a 100 percent score from the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) on their latest “Pro-Choice America” scorecard.

He has been fanatically pro-abortion for years, supporting partial birth abortion, harvesting aborted baby stem cells, federal funding for every sort of abortion, transporting minors across state lines to obtain abortions, funding U.S. foreign aid for abortions abroad, and more..

For Pastor Rush, apparently, it’s more important to keep those Planned Parenthood dollars rolling into the collection basket than to stop the black genocide that has murdered more than 20 million black American babies through abortion since the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

In addition to selling out to the abortion lobby, he has also sold out to the sodomy lobby. Reverend Rush enjoys a perfect 100 percent rating from the Human Rights Campaign, the largest, most lavishly funded LGBTQ lobbying group. And, as to be expected of a “progressive,” Reverend Rush not only supports killing defenseless babies in their mothers’ wombs but also favors leaving families defenseless against the criminal elements that his fellow progressives are setting loose on society to prey and slay. Representative Rush has earned an F- score from Gun Owners of America while earning the endorsement of Brady United and other notorious gun confiscators who want criminals and government to enjoy a duopoly control over firearms possession. Rush’s hometown of Chicago is “more dangerous than ever,” thanks to the policies of Rush, LGBTQ Mayor Lori Lightfoot, and their “progressive” comrades.

RUSH: Is He “Fearless” or Feckless and Conscienceless?

In a statement on January 4, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Rush showed “fearless leadership to combat violence in our communities — from heinous hate crimes to the horrors of gun violence,” throughout his nearly three decades in Congress.

Fearless? Hardly. Feckless, reckless, ruthless, conscienceless, unethical, amoral, mercenary, perverse, subversive, traitorous, treasonous? Yes. Now, after exercising “revolutionary parliamentarian” pressure from above for three decades, Reverend Rush is preparing to activate more fully his revolutionary pressure from below.

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