Do you know how your U.S. representative and senators vote on key issues affecting your lives and our nation? Do you know how their votes square with the Constitution, which every congressman takes an oath to uphold? Twice a year The New American publishes a congressional scorecard based on the Constitution. We call it the “Freedom Index,” and we just published the first index for the new Congress in the August 14 issue of The New American. In this episode of “Beyond the Cover,” host Gary Benoit discusses the Freedom Index with two members of The John Birch Society’s research/legislative team that puts the index together, Christian Gomez and Peter Rykowski. In the discussion, they not only describe the index and related tools but also how to use them to create the awareness that’s needed to improve Congress.

To see the online version of the Freedom Index, and to access other legislative tools, go to https://thenewamerican.com/freedom-index/

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