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If anyone doubted that the Democratic Party is simply nuts, the latest from the party’s U.S. House members should put that doubt to rest.

The Democrats invited a drag queen to perform at an official party function. You read that right.

Representative Sean Maloney of New York — head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee — invited the cross-dressing performer. Feminists, who now accuse drag queens of dressing in “woman face,” are in frothing rage.

They’re always in a frothing rage about something, of course, but anyway, amusingly, Lady Bunny might have more sense than the people who invited him and the Deep State billionaires who pine for war in Ukraine.

Lady Bunny Not Funny

Breitbart News disclosed Lady Bunny’s appearance with a screenshot of the invitation. The “evening reception hosted by DCCC Chair Sean Maloney” commenced at 9:30 p.m. on March 9. “Musical entertainment by Lady Bunny.”

He describes himself as a “a living drag legend, international sensation, razor-witted comic, fab DJ, and one kooky queen.”

It’s unclear from news reports whether Lady Bunny actually appeared. Nonetheless, feminists were unimpressed, Breitbart reported, and weren’t much interested in Lady Bunny’s “razor-witted” comedy.

Warning that drag shows are “sexualized entertainment for nightclubs that exclude minors” and that “I don’t want any part of that and I can stay home,” feminist Natasha Chart explained that a party function is not the place for the ribald raree:

This is where policies are being decided and wrangled on behalf of the party that controls the presidency and Congress. So this is kind of a big deal in terms of a professional arena. If it matters that somebody did this at a big multinational corporation, and I think that it would, it matters more here. Because this is governance and affects all of us.

Chart observed that such an event would never be allowed at a major corporate event, and yet the DCCC is tacitly showing “how men see women in the workplace.”

Chart equated drag queens to white entertainers who, decades ago, dressed in blackface. She called it “woman face,” Breitbart reported.

The shows “make fun of women as being stupid and vain and shallow and good for — as they say — only one thing because that is a common male sexual fantasy. Within the gay male community, it translates into a male idea of female sexuality.”

A YouTube video Breitbart included claims crossing dressing is “misogyny.”

Against War in Ukraine

Even better though, Breitbart helpfully unearthed an interesting antiwar tweet from Lady Bunny, who called President Biden “senile” in August 2019.

It pointed to an article in Bloomberg that discussed a Tweet thread from billionaire financier Bill Ackman. He wants the U.S. to put troops on the ground in Ukraine to fight Russia.

“Billionaire Bloomberg’s site publishing an article on how another billionaire we should send troops in,” Lady Bunny tweeted. “I wonder if those troops he’d like to send will include his own or Bloomberg’s family members? And how they’ll profit from this.”

Good questions, given Ackman’s zeal to get into the fight, which has not inspired the 55-year-old to ask for an age exemption so he can enlist in the military and request combat duty in Ukraine.

“Putin is rallying the nuclear saber as he gets more desperate. What if?” Ackman tweeted on February 28:

Do we wait for him to kill millions before we intervene? What precedent are we continuing to set by allowing this to play out.

None of us wants to put American lives at risk. And yes it is easy for me to say with no children in the military. But our lives are already at risk if Putin gets his way. The @us_navyseals  and Americans in uniform I know would want to be there to stop this madness. 

The defense of Ukraine is a just war. It is not about oil or money. It is about right and wrong, and those are the wars that we should fight. And if we take the long-term view and punish madmen for their actions, we can deter their larger ambitions.

Perhaps it hadn’t occurred to billionaire Ackman, but U.S. military operations against Russia is exactly what might inspire Putin to launch a nuclear attack in Ukraine, if not send ICBMs — or worse, hypersonic missiles — hurtling toward New York and Washington, D.C.

Sending Patriot missiles to Poland is bad enough. But troops on the ground?

Maybe Lady Bunny should seek a job as foreign policy and defense analyst for the House Democrats. 

Certainly they’d allow him to work in drag.

H/T: Washington Times